Moving to America....From the pan into the fire

in #forgotten6 years ago

I've been absent from Steemit for quite some time, considering my last post was august, 2016. I was at the time living in Venezuela, a country rapidly disappearing into an abyss of forgotten lives. The country is for all intents and purposes Bankrupt. The Humanitarian crisis resembles Zimbabwe, or perhaps even Yemen. Malnutrition is ever more accentuated, not only in children, but adults have lost an average of 20lbs in this past year alone due to food shortages. Deaths due to lack of basic healthcare and medicines are now the new normal.

I found myself in a very precarious situation due to my prior MI, and the lack of heart medications made my situation dire. Because I am a dual national, I found my way back to the US with two suitcases and my two Chihuhuas. Fortunately, I have one sister and she took me in her home, otherwise I might have found myself homeless, to boot. I left my home, my eldest daughter and granddaughter as well as all my belongings behind. This was September 2016. I wasn't paying attention to politics in the US as I had for the past several years been protesting, marching and generally paying attention to my local drama.. Back in the US, the Presidential race was on, and I couldn't believe what I was witnessing! Donal Trump, a sleazy, corrupt, misogynous, racist that had hosted a Reality TV show was heading towards the White House, all on the wings of a populist message, not far removed from what brought Hugo Chavez to power some 17 years prior. I was horrified, stunned, but most of all, frightened.

Since that nefarious November 8th, I have become a news junkie. As I watch stunned at the antics carried on by this 71 year old man, now president of the United States, I am forever convinced that there are more ignorant and illiterate people in this country than I could have ever imagined. I had never lived in Dictatorship until Venezuela's Autocratic Chavez and posthumous Maduro. Suddenly I am witnessing the erosion of Democratic principles due to one man and his Party, thanking God every day that we still have some independent institutions, and of course a FREE PRESS! I often wonder these days if the Republicans actually have blood coursing through their veins or is it Beetlegeuse? Particularly as I watched

I mean really, does this man look like he's happy and loving?

I quickly realized that I had left a country with an Autocratic petty tyrant only to land in America with a man with very similar traits: Narcissistic sociopath with no empathy or self control. If you are not adoring him, he will