The benefits of football for bones and for the health of the body .. and its damage!

in #football6 years ago


We all know the names of the players in different clubs. It is also one of the most popular games we can find on the streets and in sports clubs, because it has a great ability to stimulate the happiness hormone, and it creates the pleasure of watching this game rules organized by the International Federation (FIFA), so you know the benefits of football.
The benefits of football for the body Football is a lot of fun just to see them, what about the benefits of exercise for the health of the whole body? Stamina Stamina Stamina helps a long-term stamina increase. The player holds the ball and runs it for miles, which increases the player's ability to endure for 90 minutes. Threads Tagged with sports Proper nutrition and sports during the treatment of breast cancer The 6 benefits of walking sport Spain .. Are injuries behind the exit of the defending champion? The keys to the victory of Algeria on Germany from the medical point of view, the distribution of effort, we find that the football player is distributing his effort, do not do the same effort for 90 minutes, so as not to feel tired and fatigue, so we find that the player is playing enthusiastically at the beginning of the first half and then notice that calms down Game, then return to his activity at the start of the second half. The prevention of heart disease helps football improve blood pressure in the body, and running for a long time helps to improve the rate of heart rate, and improves the level of cholesterol in the blood, so it is the benefits of football that it protects the player from cardiovascular disease, and this other benefit Of the benefits of football. Read more: The benefits of sports and the importance of exercise The benefits of football to lose weight Have you seen a football player suffering from an increase in weight ?! Certainly not, and this is because football exercises help to improve the level of cholesterol in the blood and reduce the fat accumulated on the arteries and fat storage areas such as the abdomen, so that football helps to burn fat and reduce the rate of calories in the body through foods and help to lose weight . Running for 40 minutes continuously increases metabolism or metabolism. Read also: Weight loss and fat burning with ease with daily activities! Strengthening the bones The movements of a football player help to strengthen his muscles through jumping, jogging and muscle flexibility and help him to control the muscles more than non-players. In addition to the benefits of football, it increases the stability of the skeleton of the human, the older the person the lower the muscle density, and the benefits of it strengthens the muscle structure, so strengthen the muscles protect the player from osteoporosis. The benefits of football in building muscles help football burn fat in the abdomen, it also helps build muscle mass burning fat place, and increase muscle fiber.
Read more: Tips to increase muscle in your body Gain flexibility Help football to gain flexibility between muscles, the player can perform various movements easily without feeling muscle tension and pain, because the benefits of football that it helps the person to gain muscle flexibility. The causes of muscle tension and ways to prevent and treat it Encourage teamwork Evolution of the practice of football from the personality and behavior of the individual, and his ability to work together with other individuals, and thus helps you if you are isolated to form social skills. The benefits of attention-enhancing football help to improve cognitive functions, increase attention and concentration, if you are not tuned to ball movements and to your colleague's performance on the pitch, you will not move fast and pay off. Read more: Attention Deficit Disorder is not limited to children only! Happiness improves exercise of mood, helps to increase the sense of happiness, through the rise of dopamine responsible for the improvement of mood in the body, and increases the proportion of happiness hormone in the body when exercising.
Football Damages Some Wonder Do Football Damage? The damage to this game comes through the wrong habits that you play when you play the game, which is: not to drink water during the game, you get dry, because continuous running and jumping is a wasted physical effort and reduce the fluid from your body, so drink water during the game period. Some of these injuries are injuries such as athlete's foot injury, footstroke and footstroke, a fungal infection that appears on the toes as a result of prolonged wear. Muscle strain. The cruciate ligament injury, caused by the sudden movement of the foot, which is one of the most common injuries among the players. Broken leg bone and other fractures due to docking with another person.