Ketika Pak Polisi Jadi Tukang Foto (when the police pack became a photographer)
(Photo by @fadhil)
Aksi ini terjadi saat turnamen sepak bola Aceh World Solidarity Cup pada Desember 2017 lalu di Stadion Harapan Bangsa, Lhoong Raya, Kota Banda Aceh. Bisa jadi, ia melakukan ini karena penasaran bagaimana sensasi memotret pemain bola saat bertanding.
This action took place during the Aceh World Solidarity Cup football tournament in December 2017 at Harapan Bangsa Stadium, Lhoong Raya, Banda Aceh City. Could be, he did this out of curiosity how the sensation of photographing a football player during a match
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siap bg @mahfu
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Oh yaa...
Judul english di terjemah perkata aja @fadhil
Biar kagak keluar PACK POLISI nya....
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