Prebranac- Balkans Baked beans
Ingredients are so basic and you can make it by yourself .
BEANS ( main ingredient )
2 or 3 cloves of garlic ( depends how much you want )
2 bulbs of onion
2 stalks of celery
2 carrots ( small )
powdered paprika
salt and pepper
Soak the beans a night before you want to cook it.
( the day u want to cook it ) Boil/ simmer the soaked beans.
stew the onion , garlic, carrots and celery, add salt to taste .
Mix well and add red paprika . You are going to eat it so be generous. :D
Place it in pot or any of your baking pan, add water on top and bay leaves ( optional ).
Bake in 250 C for about 30 to 35 minutes
Enjoy the meal!