To the Spain, off we go!
What is the first dish that comes trough your mind when hearing 'Spanish'?

How then it became a well known dish is when goes through the mid-nineteen hundreds when paella became a popular dish served to laborers. The worker then would gather around in midday, combining a leftovers with rice, and cook it over an open fire! yes this the correct method to do so for this dish is actually for a gathering like so, like you can see it in the Youtube or any media where they mostly cook it with a rather wide pan specially for paella it self over on open fire, where they usually use a high fire then let it be until the fire then dies out letting it rest for a moment then ready to be enjoyed together. It is believed that most paella dishes at that time consisted of snails and whatever vegetables the workers could scrounge up, or make it fancy like maybe adding up meats like chicken or rabbit were only added for special occasions.
Like any other national or legendary dishes, it goes better with the time goes on, where anything is more approach and affordable. Today, paella usually cooked over an open fire in a traditional pan like we know, it can be made with rice, chicken, fish, shellfish, eel, rabbit, squid, artichokes, snails, beans, peppers, or any other vegetables you'd like to add in, like it have to be suitable of course lol, Classic way of making paella usually with rabbit, chicken, snails, beans like broad beans, and artichokes, it is seasoned with saffron, among with other spices of course, thus are the base of Valencian Paellas.
So, what do you think so far? interesting am I right? Makes you want to travel around the world just to eat here and there, just thinking about it makes me so frickin' excited (???)