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RE: I made my first loaf of bread :)

in #foodie5 years ago (edited)

Sounds awesome! I can smell it from here!
I need to disappoint you though, this doesn't count as cooking, it's baking ( short for B(readm)aking )

I have some vague memories of people in my past, having a bread maker, but I don't remember who they where. I guess the advantage of this machine over making it by hand is that it saves you a lot of mess, washing, sticky hands and all.

Well done!

P.S. The next step is to make your own peanut butter, if you aren't doing this already. It's so easy ( peel and grind peanuts, add a little bit of salt and olive oil - or another type of oil - and, if necessary, some honey ). Just don't add too much salt. Peeling the peanuts is like meditation, a practice in patience.


Amazing idea for the peanut butter! Funnily enough I just finished a jar of the stuff yesterday and quickly recycled its lid into my current wall gardening system. I never considered making it myself but now I'm gonna give it a try for sure. Thanks for the inspiration :)

Baking over cooking works perfect for me. I actually kinda pride myself on being the guy who doesn't cook as there is much confusion in the world over what nutritious food is.

Amazing idea for the peanut butter!

I have to admit that it's so much work / time consuming that it's hardly worth it but at least you know the ingredients that are used and it saves in plastic / glass.

Cool that you recycled a pb lid into your wall gardening system. I saw the pictures of the system. It looks pretty awesome.

P.S. Keep priding yourself over stuff, unless it feels to much like an Ego trip, haha ( talking about the Ego, make sure not to miss my veloci raptor post that I shared yesterday. I link to an awesome podcast )