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RE: Spicy Couple's Night in the Kitchen

in #foodfightfriday7 years ago (edited)

Just when you thought it couldn't get any harder to compete around here—IN COMES THIS!

That's amazing. Truly amazing. I do like the Indian Food I've eaten, but I couldn't tell you what it was. I've had different dishes two or three times now, but I was never the one ordering it. But I imagine I've had something similar to what you prepared because of the color of the sauce. If so, I really liked it.

Regardless, your meal looked great, your presentation was what we've grown accustomed to seeing from @creationofcare, and I'm just sitting here shaking my head thinking, "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"

Well done, and welcome to Food Fight Friday!


Thank you for the compliment. #FFF has certainly upped the kitchen game in our house. I was totally thinking about Food Fight Friday when working on this menu, but I have to admit... it got a little out of hand. Probably could have gone with just one of those dishes, lol. We ended up eating dinner at about midnight!

It turned into a really nice date night for @creationofcare and I though :)

Omg you are so VERY worthy with your hearty dishes! I like to make pretty arrangements, that's just window dressing when it comes to good food.

I too used to only get indian cuisine from fancy restaurants, with all the courses in little bowls. I never dreamed of making a 4 course meal of it myself. @dawg-boy has come over before and made a Buddhist temple feast before, and @mattlovell has made his fabulous garam masala spice blend for a mess of curry, but we've never put in 5 hours of kitchen work to do the whole shebang! But oh holy wow it was good.

Cheers and blessings to you!

Well, after 5 hours of work, it's got to be good. There's just no other option. :) I guess my 2.5 hour endurance cooking could stand a little perspective. There are definitely foods that are a labor of love, but when the payoff is high, it's all worth it. Sounds like you reached that.