One Meal A Day "OMAD" Diet/Lifestyle | Positive and Negative Effects

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Information was adapted from Dr. Eric Berg

One Meal A Day Essentials
~High Quality Nutrient Dense Food
~More Quantity - a lot of green veggies
~Good healthy fat and protein
~Supplement with B vitamins, minerals and trace minerals

23 Benefits of OMAD (One Meal A Day)
1.Save Money
2.Save Time
3.Improves Digestion
4.Improves Immunity
5.Massive Autophagy - cleans house(body)
6.Live Longer
7.No Hunger
8.No Cravings
9.Better Skin
10.Increase Energy
11.Increase Mood
12.Increase Cognitive Function
13.Decrease Inflammation
14.Decreased Blood Pressure
15.Decreased Heart Disease
16.Decreased Dementia
17.Decreased Diabetes/Insulin Resistance
18.Decreased Fatty Liver
19.Body-Fat Burning Machine - Decrease Belly Fat
20.Helps Discipline
21.Improves Muscle
22.Fixes Metabolism
23.Mental Clarity

Acceptable Liquids while Fasting :
~Coffee (1-2 cups of coffee max)
~Water(can add electrolytes)
~Bone Broth (Ewww!!)
~Apple Cider Vinegar
~Almond Milk (Unsweetened)

Negative Effects: (from medicalnewstoday)
~Inability to concentrate

Let me know what you guys think of this style of eating and if you think you can do it long-term!! I am very interested in what everyone thinks.

I am definitely going to experiment myself for around 2 months!! I will be documenting everything on here with pictures of my food, weight, body fat, muscle mass, and more!! Not all my meals are going to have greens but that is why I will be taking a multi-vitamin with every meal. Make sure to follow if you would like to stay informed about my progress!!