Tasting a $6 (!) Bottle Of Red that Just Won An International Award 「品酒篇」一瓶廉價的6澳元紅酒 打趴許多價值不菲名牌紅酒贏得MIWC雙金獎steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago (edited)



Australia's great climate and soil, have for decades attracted a lot of wine producers around the world and has produced a lot of good quality red wines thorough the years. Australian red wine is becoming more and more famous, and is now the world's fourth largest wine exporter!

今天我就要來品嚐這支最近特別受到矚目的紅酒-聖安德魯斯赤霞珠2016年份(St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon 2016)在享譽世界的墨爾本國際葡萄酒大賽(MIWC)中奪得雙金獎,一瓶價值6澳元的紅酒,居然打趴很多名牌價值不菲的紅酒!

St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon 2016, made by Idyll Wine Co near Ballarat has just won the Double Gold Award at the Melbourne International Wine Competition. What is surprising and remarkable, is the fact that this gold winning bottle only costs $6 AUD!!! Double Gold Awards are only given to "near perfect" wines, dubbed gold standard by every judge on a panel of four.

根據9News報導,2017年墨爾本國際葡萄酒大賽(MIWC)大賽中有超過1100瓶紅酒在雙盲的情況下由品酒師進行鑑定,他們認為這瓶聖安德魯斯赤霞珠2016年份(St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon 2016)的紅酒品質屬於「接近完美」的等級,這瓶廉價紅酒的獲勝讓那些名牌紅酒陷於十分尷尬的境地。

According to 9News, more than 1,100 bottles of red wines in the 2017 Melbourne International Wine Contest (MIWC) contest were identified by the sommelier in double-blind cases, which they considered St. Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 to be "close to the perfect" levels. The fact that this bottle of cheap $6 wine takes the gold medal amongst much more expensive brand-named red wines is slightly embarrassing.



This bottle is stocked exclusively by Coles, Australia's largest supermarket chain. Generally when buy red wine I will automatically ignore wines that is "too cheap", because all the bad Goon hangovers I had as a backpacker... A lot of backpackers drink the what is called Goon, a Cheap bag-in-box wine (usually 4-5 Liters box that costs $10-$15) which gives a nice, very painful hangover experience the day after drinking it 😜 So with this in mind, I was a bit sceptic but after reading all the media reports, friend recommendations, I decided to buy a bottle and try it out. I was not able to get hold of the 2016 version as it was out of stock, but managed to get a 2017 and I'm not sure how big the difference is (if anyone compared the two, please comment below!)



This bottle of wine has a rich aroma of black cherries and fruity mix with plum upon opening of the bottle. The color of the red wine is not very deep. The taste is fruity with a little spicy pepper flavor, rhyme Slightly bitter herbs with herbs. The wine is best with good food so I decided to enjoy a glass accompanied with a steak to eat. (according to friends with creamy spaghetti works better).



Overall, it is a easy to drink, suitable for food, and I recommend to air the wine first! The next day after opening bottle, I think it tastes even better. All this for only $6, unbeatable value!


I've bought some st andrews:)

Nice! Have you tasted it yet? :)

Thanks my friend! Glad you like it!