Best steak in the world? perhaps! look at my trip to W steakhouse

in #food8 years ago

So just to be clear from the start! That's some of mine thoughts and so on. I'm a beginner here on Steemit but not in real life for a cuisine and food! I'm a food lover but healthy and happy.
I try always to eat nice and mostly not expensive but this isn't always work.
So this time a small review from New York City Wolfgang's Steakhouse on 4 Park Avenue.
I know that address doesn't mean always a cheap meal.. I know :( I was also a bit sad when I saw a wine card and a main meat card as well :0 giphy.gif

But as I was already there and that was suppose a best steak in NYC (As my friend said..) I had to try.
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So we got an a basic steak, the first from the list and probably the cheapest. I didn't even look at the whole menu as most of the things where to expensive for what it was...
A beautiful juicy steak came a few minutes after, maybe 10min? But we had some small side salad and of course a glass of wine just before the meal.
It was indeed a greeat experience and as well my first American Steak ;) I had all kinds of a great meal before like Japanese Wagyu or Irish beautiful meat but this one in NYC was gooood.11377455_1620220488235046_740049797_n.jpg

Let hope that we will make a small fortune soon on Bitcoin or a STEEM!! and in few years we will pay directly from our blockchain accounts and we will eat there and in other beautiful places more often. :)

Bon appetit!!!!
