
They look so delicious @thekitchenfairy!

Many thanks 😊

My sons love Homer so much they demanded the Simpsons Lego, and boy that was a pain to build, so many pieces 😂

Kayaknya kok enak.. istriku tak suruh bikin deh pake resep ini hehehe.. Nuwun Mbak :)

Sama2 mas, tapi disana pakai susu UHT Aja, jangan pakai Santan

Disini ada coconut milk tapi bukan Santan, melainkan Santan super encer, yg bisa disajikan begitu saja, seperti minuman 😂

Siap Mbak :)

Yummy! You're just making me hungry. Thank You!

Sorry 😁 my pleasure!

Tasty 😍

I am drooling! These look so scrumptious and easy to make too! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

They were very good fresh. I left out a couple overnight, and they turned hard the next morning, I was wondering if it was due to the coconut milk beverage. I normally use almond, soy, or cashew, and buns would stay soft the next day.

Sometimes I find that coconut milk doesn't work as well for me as almond or soy.

I see

The ones I kept in Tupperware stayed soft, but the ones I left on a plate hardened

You can freshen those by popping the microwave for a few seconds...I hate to waste a good donut!

Didn't waste many, just the two that were for test trial 😁

Didn't think of microwaving it 😌

Just when I thought running out of oil would stop me from eating the naughty stuff LOL... These look amazing!

Many thanks, lady!

Baked doughnuts has the texture of buns, unlike fried doughnuts 😂 but either one is dangerous for me as I can't stop for only one 😌

Ini salah satu kue favorit anak aq tiap pagi mbak. Dia doyan lapisan luarnya aja.

Anakku malah ga suka 😂 mungkin terlalu Manis kalau pakai gula bubuk, karena isinya sudah selai Manis 😁

Beda klo yang disini mbak. Disini klo ga ada lapisan gula, malah ga manis. Makanya mereka makan lapisan gulanya aja.. Beda ma buatan sendiri.. hehehe

Yum! Those look fantastic!
Isn't it funny how we make these big plans, and the kids just want to keep it simple? Same thing happens here. lol

I know, right? 😂 How are you ❤️

Silly kiddos.
I'm good! We had a lazy Family Day weekend... wee man is sick with another cold. So he gets an extra long weekend, since I kept him home today too. How are you?