Advocaat Cake (German Eierlikor Torte) - just perfect for special occasions
I'm @steemcake and today I want to show you a cake that is just perfect for special occasions - especially in the Christmas time:
"The Advocaat Cake (German Eierlikor Torte)"

Advocaat or advocatenborrel is a traditional Dutch alcoholic beverage made from eggs, sugar and brandy. The rich and creamy drink has a smooth, custard-like flavor and is similar to eggnog.
Fun Fact:
Advocaat is the Dutch word for "lawyer". As the name of the drink, it is short for advocatenborrel, or "lawyer's drink", where borrel is Dutch for a shot of an alcoholic beverage. According to the 1882 edition of the Dictionary of the Dutch Language, it is "so named as a good lubricant for the throat, and thus considered especially useful for a lawyer, who must speak in public."
What you need:
The Dough
- 5 eggs
- 1/2 cup (100g) sugar
- 1/2 cup (100g) butter
- 2 packages vanilla sugar
- 200g hazelnuts, grated
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 100g chocolate, grated
The Topping
- 2/3 cup (100ml) advocaat (maybe you want more ☺)
- 3 1/3 cups (800ml) whipped cream
- 4 packages cream stiffener
- 1/4 cup (40g) sugar
- chocolate, grated for decorations
How to do it:
Preheat oven to ~ 345° F (175° C).
Mix sugar, butter, vanilla sugar, hazelnuts, baking powder and the chocolate.
Beat egg whites until stiff and carefully mix to the dough.
Bake at ~ 345° F (175° C) for 45 minutes. Cool completely.
For the topping mix whipped cream, cream stiffener and the sugar and spread it onto the whole cake.
Pour the advocaat into the middle of the cake.
Decorate if you want.
Here as a going-away present for a colleague
Nut wedges (Nussecken) - a classic German pastry
Fairy Cake - The perfect girl's birthday cake

Ich glaube, ich muss jetzt dringend etwas essen, dieser Anblick macht Hunger! :)
I love Advocaat and now there is cake!!! Hell yeah...
Hehe... ☺
Yum yum! That certainly looks good enough to eat!
Much appreciated. Thank you for the follow!