Guilt - I don't want YOU any longer as my friend ! Good Food is a Good Start - Make Time to Make something Good for You

in #food7 years ago (edited)


It's that Sunday Feeling Fellow Followers 💁🏻

Welcome Steemsters ...

Since my first post ever on Steemit I've been trying to turn my lifestyle including health around - none for vanity reasons as those of you that have followed me will know - but working on myself and areas of my past which have maybe marred my world - Guilt.
Feeling guilty if I do something for me !

Spending time with my new friend "MAT" has been a key factor in ensuring I'm taking time for myself - More Posts about my best friend "MY MAT & ME " coming soon 🤣 Romance of the year !

Food is the first part in feeling good - I'm not a health practitioner or nutritonalist, just a regular girl that is listening to her instincts and body and it's working for me.

Making time to shop calmly so you can make considered purchases is the first major step - eating well does not mean it has to cost a fortune or that you spend hours in supermarkets !!

Today's Brunch - Spicy Spring Greens and Eggs - Healthy perfect start to the Day.

Wash, Pile & Roll Leaves up together and Finely Chop


Add chopped onions, green chillis, garlic and fry off for 2 mins max - Add the Greens and fry turning quickly. Add some worstershire or soy sauce here ( or balsamic vinegar works too) Once the leaves have softened and cooked off its ready !



Top with Soft Boiled Eggs. Add cracker black pepper to taste. As you can see I like a lot of pepper - it also aids digestion and has natural antibacterial qualities 👍

Enjoy - I'm off to spend the morning with MY MAT !

Sonic Sonny 💁🏻