Southpaw Gammon Stake.
Happy food flinging Friday folks. I hope you've all been having a good week so far. I feel I need to warn ya'll though. The title mentions Southpaw, but look out for the left hook!
Here's a photo of a gammon steak with salad and fried onions. It came with a big bowl of, what we in the UK call chips. The 'chips' aren't shown in the photo because gammon stake was so damn big, they didn't fit.
This was the meal my son chose while I had the Rump. (One of the two that featured in my post for last weeks fantastic #foodfightfriday contest.)
The meal was consumed at The Captain's Table. It's not what you might think though, because we weren't on a boat. The Captain's Table was in fact the name of the restaurant that dished up this delicious food.
But that's enough about that…
I have a confession to make!
Yes, that's right, it's time for me to confess. A few weeks back I did something to see how vigilant the #foodfightfriday gang is. As it turns out, Ive come to the conclusion that like me…
You all need glasses!
See… uh… well, with your glasses on, take a look at these…
The misdemeanour occurred after I used this image as my cover pic.
It was during the people's champ voting process when, in the contenders post, my entry looked like this…
Notice the number of my entry?
Now take a peek at who I voted for.
Yeap! - I voted for myself 😱
Ha, I can hear you all thinking - 'Really! That cheeky ******, I never noticed that!'
But it really did surprise me that each and every one of you missed it! I honestly thought that someone would notice.
Of course, I made sure nobody else had already voted for my entry so I had little to no chance of winning. Mind you I would probably of found it hilarious if a few newcomers voted for me after, and I won. And Yes, if a freak thing like that would of happened, I would of confessed sooner a refused the prize.
Why did I do it?
I just wondered if any of you would pick up on what I had done. Quite frankly I'm not sure if I would of noticed if it was one of you that had done it. I'm sure I'm as blind as the rest of you.
Damn those last couple of paragraphs sound bit serious. (Hey Sivehead, stop rereading your own damn gonna-be- post and post it already!)
Phew - I feel so much better after getting that off my chest.
Please feel free too -
Fish-slap away
And remember… be on the look out for rule breakers. Ya never know, I might try it again one day! 😜
Yea yea, that’s why your peoples champ belt is held up, you cheater McCheaterstein. We love your posts @sivehead, thanks for giving us a smile today :)
Thanks @puravidaville. The smiles are free... all day every day - every day that I post that is 😁
Food Fight Friday
May your contender survive and not be placed in a permanent food coma.
I didn’t catch it at all! In fact, as I began reading this post I thought you were going toward #8 and the image of your cut grape both are an Infiniti sign, that’s where I thought you were going with this one.
Well, sliphead, by simply reading my first paragraph, you now know you went about this contender all wrong! Hahahahahaha. Oh crap that’s funny.
Hey dude it’s real cool running into you on Fridays, I look forward to your contender every week. Thanks for sticking around!
Yeah I know man... I'm always thinking of better ways of doing things, after I've done them! Wifey doesn't mind though... she says it keeps it interesting.
That one you did today about Secret Santa.. dude, that was a great idea.
Wha, Wha, what?!?

Dude!!! You have stepped on holy ground with that one. God bless you soul!!! I see in your future a death by Fish-slapping!!!
Do you realize what you have done?!?

Dude, my knees are trembling already.
You may have pulled a fast one this time but I will have the last slap.....Fish-Slap that is

Sorry sir but rules are rules and the week of fish-slapping has begun. Here is a double to get things started.
I do admire your sneakyness though. Well done!!
Just hoping to keep ya'll on your toes is all. 😁
Sneaky, Sneaky, Sneaky, and😁😁😁.
I guess we were all in a food coma.