Avocado Lemon CakesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food7 years ago

Avocado Lemon Cake | How to make Avocado Lemon Cake

About Avocado Lemon Cake Recipe

A simple yet stunning, just 5 ingredient Avocado Lemon Cake. No butter, no oil yet super soft

Avocado Lemon Cake, a marvelous creation to spice up your day. The relishing flavours, the appealing texture and the amazing aroma of Avocado Lemon Cake is just mouth-watering. This amazing recipe is provided by Kaveri Obhan. Be it kids or adults, no one can resist this delicious dish. How to make Avocado Lemon Cake is a question which arises in people's mind quite often. So, this simple step by step Avocado Lemon Cake recipe by Kaveri Obhan. Avocado Lemon Cake can even be tried by beginners. A few secret ingredients in Avocado Lemon Cake just makes it the way it is served in restaurants. Avocado Lemon Cake can serve 10 people. So, the next time you have a get together or a party at home, don't forget to check and try out Avocado Lemon Cake.


Dessert Medium

Ingredients to make Avocado Lemon Cake

• 1 cup Sugar
• 4 Eggs
• 1 cup ripe avocado (about 1 ½ Avocados)
• 2 cups All Purpose Flour
• 1.5 Tsp Baking Powder
• For Lemon Glaze -
• 1 tbsp Lemon juice
• 1 tbsp Lemon juice
• Few Pistachios to garnish (you can use other nuts too)

How to make Avocado Lemon Cake

● Preheat oven to 170 ºC and grease a loaf tin.

● Beat eggs and sugar together with an electric beater until light, fluffy and doubled in volume for
about 5 minutes.

● Take another bowl and mash avocado well so that it is smooth and silky or you can use the blender
Sift the flour and baking powder and add together with the mashed avocado in the sugar egg mixture. Fold gently,
scraping down the sides of the bowl to mix thoroughly.

● Pour into the loaf tin, even out the surface and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes. Insert a skewer/knife into the center
and if it comes out clean, then the cake is done.

● Allow to cool completely before taking out of the loaf tin.

● Pour icing when completely cool.

● Mix together the icing sugar and lemon juice until you have a firm but smooth icing.

● Use a knife to smear onto the top of the cake and sprinkle over crushed pistachios.

Enjoy this Avocado Lemon Cake dish from BetterButter!


waaw this cake is so interesting and probably delicious 😋 enjoy your weekend