How to make cheese .

in #food7 years ago (edited)

hy ...steem member family .
today i will talk to about cheese manufacturing.
Cheese is a concentrated dairy food product which is produced from milk curde that are separated from whey is known as cheese.
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Process of manufacturing Cheese
The milk selected for cheese making is placed in the cheese pan, and received at the factory under control condition. The practice is growing of standardizing the milk to a definite fat percentage in order to ensure cheese of a uniform composition. A fat percentage of 3.25 % are used in factory for manufacturing of cheese. After standardizing the acidity is made to determine the percentage of acid in milk.
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Pasteurization of Milk for Cheese making:
Pasteurization consists of heating the milk to 163o-165oF (72-73 oC) and handling for 15-20 Seconds.
Ripening the Milk:
A culture of lactic acid bacteria known as starter and similar to butter starter, then is added to the milk. A small amount of starter about 0.25-0.5% is usually added to the cooled milk. The milk is then brought to the setting temperature (28o-31oC) and allowed to ripen.
Addition of color:
While the milk is being brought to the settling temperature (28o-31oC) cheese color may be added. The amount depending upon the shade desired. If a light color is desired, about 0.5-1% color may be added. For a deep yellow color shade ounce/thousand color is added in milk. The milk is agitated to ensure and even distribution of color.
Settling the Curde:
The milk is brought to a temperature of 31oC by heating the water in the outer-wall of pan. Casein is coagulated by rennet. After adding the rennet the casein of milk is formed a firm curde. Sufficient rennet is added to bring about a firm coagulation with in about 20 minutes.
Cutting the curde:
After setting the curde should be cut into small cubes about ¼ inch in square with the help of cheese knives.
Heating the Curde:
After cutting, the curde is heating. This is achieving by heating the water surrounding the pan with steam or hot water. The temperature of hot water ranges between 40o-45oC. During the heating process the curde particles contract to about on half there original size.
Removing of Whey:
After cooking is completed, the whey is removed from the curde by placing a screen stainer in front of the outlet valve of the pan.
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After these process cheese is ready .