[Self cooking] Chicken cheese Calzone - Hyundaicard cooking library

in #food7 years ago (edited)

With a tender chicken tenderloin and cheese, let’s make a chicken cheese Calzone
부드러운 닭안심과 치즈로 치킨치즈칼초네를 만들어보아요!
(현대카드 쿠킹라이브러리 셀프쿠킹 프로그램)

  • Today’s dishes

It’s good for children’s snacks and a meal and for adults, it is the best snack with wine
아이들에게는 간식이나 식사로도 좋을거같고 ~~ 어른들한테는 와인안주로 제격이에요~.~

Chicken tenderloin 3 slices
Crushed garlic 1ts
Tomato 1/2
Basil 3 leaves
Olive oil 1Ts
Salt A bit
Pepper A bit
Spinach 5 leaves
Piedough 3 dough
Egg yolk 1
Black sesame 2ts
Parmasan cheese
Tomato sauce

-How to make

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and chop the chicken tenderloin and tomatoes.
  2. Grease a heated pan with olive oil and stir-fry garlic and fry the chopped tomatoes together. When the tomatoes are drained, add chicken tenderloin and stir-fry. At this time, you can add salt and pepper and Turn the heat off and chop basil in.
  3. Cut the Frensh mozzarella into 3 pieces and whisk yolk of an egg in a bowl. Spread pie dough so that it is easy to add ingredients.
  4. Place the spinach on top of the pie dough, top with 2 ingredients and garnish with mozzarella cheese.
  5. Fold pie dough in half and shape using fork at end.
  6. Brush the outside of the pie dough with yolk, sprinkle with black sesame, and bake in an oven for 10 minutes.
    After 10 minutes, sprinkle Parmasan cheese on the completed calconet and eat it with tomato sauce.

It looks hard but it is really easy!!
어려워보이지만 정말 간단하고 쉽답니다~~~


I made it really quick~!
다지고 볶기만 해서 정말 금방 만들었답니다~!


I made different dishes with my friends and ate them with red wine deliciously.
Why don’t you try it~? :D
이날 세가지 요리가 있었는데 저는 친구들과 저까지 세명이라 세 음식을 다 만들수 있어 다 맛볼 수 있었어요~
현대카드 쿠킹라이브러리에서 진행하는 셀프쿠킹프로그램 정말 좋은거같아요~!
셀프쿠킹 말고도 셰프와 함께하는 쿠킹클래스도 있으니 들어보시면 좋을거같아요^^*


쿠킹프로그램 정말 좋네요!!
음식도 정말 맛있어 보여요.ㅎㅎ