Venezuelan Creole Pavilion

in #food7 years ago

Hello friends of Steemit today I bring you one of the best dishes of my beautiful country Venezuela, the popular Creole pavilion.

The pabellón criollo is a traditional Venezuelan dish recognized as the national dish par excellence that is part of Venezuelan gastronomy.1 The traditional Creole pavilion is composed of cooked white rice, shredded meat, black beans "refritas" (stewed and then stir-fried) in butter or oil) fried ripe banana slices.

The history of the pavilion dates back to the times of the colony, probably from the 18th century, 2 and it is said that it is basically a meeting of "leftovers" from previous meals made by the slaves of the haciendas: thus the meat, rice and Black beans usually dated from a previous day or two, with the banana slices being the only thing that was prepared at the time.

It is usually referred to that the dish represents the three great Venezuelan cultures [citation needed]: European (white: rice), indigenous (brown: meat) and African (black: beans). However, this statement is purely poetic and is based on the color of the products. The rice is native to Asia and the caraota of Central America.


This content is thanks to our friends from


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