How to make Egg Omelet | I provide with 2 English and Indonesian @revin
hi friends steemians, this time i share recipes healthy and nutritious food.
For those of you who do not have much free time to prepare dishes at home, it seems the egg omelet could be your friend and the child.

- 3 eggs
- 1 tbsp liquid milk
- finely chopped garlic cloves
- ½ roughly shredded carrot
- ¼ green peppers
- ¼ cloves of onion Bombay
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 handheld broccoli that has been boiled
- Quick Melt chedar cheese (easy to melt)
- Right amount of oil
How to make:
- Heat oil and saute garlic and onion Bombay with medium-sized fire, saute until fragrant. Add broccoli and peppers.
- Pour batter eggs that have been given milk caur, carrots, and also other spices. Reduce the heat to avoid burning. Add the Quick Melt cheese and let it ripen on both sides.
hi teman-teman steemians,kali ini saya berbagi resep makanan sehat dan bergizi.
Untuk anda yang tidak banyak mempunyai waktu luang untuk mempersiapkan masakan di rumah, nampaknya omelet telur bisa jadi sahabat anda dan sang anak.
- 3 butir telur
- 1 sdm susu cair
- siung bawang putih dicincang halus
- ½ buah wortel diparut kasar
- ¼ buah paprika hijau
- ¼ siung bawang Bombay
-!Garam dan merica secukupnya - 1 genggam brokoli yang sudah direbus
- Keju chedar yang Quick Melt (mudah meleleh)
- Minyak goreng secukupnya
Cara membuat:
- Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay dengan api berukuran sedang, tumis hingga harum. Tambahkan brokoli dan paprika.
- Tuang adonan telur yang sudah diberi susu caur, wortel, dan juga bumbu lainnya. Kecilkan api supaya tidak gosong. Tambahkan keju Quick Melt dan biarkan matang di kedua sisinya.
Looks very delicious, when I see this post made me very hungry. I would like to invite you to join my food challenge. You can win Steem dollar and steem from me.
Thanks, Upvoted from @chanthasam