Free the Food #23 ✔ | One Man's Trash Another Man's Treasure! [2018-01-20]
Activism to End The Systematic Food Waste...
by @reko
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Dumpster diving

Latest Treasures:

Current Free Food in Stock:
Head cheeseChicken
Creme Fraiche
Sun dried tomatoes
Chestnut cream
Sweet buns
Minced meat
Vegan products
Roast beef
Sun dried tomato sauce
Mango/peach sauce
Candle lights
Past Treasures:
Salmon and cucumber is gonna be on the menu here for a while...
Found some sweet coconut water with peach and mango and also one with coconut water and espresso...nomnom! :)
Massive amounts of food in stock, this is just a part of it all...

Dumpster Diving - Behind the Scenes.
Was a cold and snowy night here in Gothenburg...
Lizzy is my loyal partner when diving, always ready to go! :)
Mission accomplished... ;)

Why do I Dumpster Dive?
- Bring awareness on how much food is wasted with our current system!
- Save the abundance of food that is wasted and share it with my network!
- Minimizing costs enabling me to Power Up 100%!
- Great regular exercise and good karma... ;)
Thursdays Weekly Meet-ups:

Join my Discord Chat & May the Steem be with you!

This is amazing. It truly is a lesson in abundance. Love what you're doing and what you stand for.
Restaurants have so much food left over at the end of each day that they are not legally allowed to distribute to the hungry. Instead, they must throw it out. Would be amazing to have an under-the-radar service that picks up that food and redistributes it to those in need.
Hey Neil, thanks for the support. Actually working with a initiative here in Gothenburg that gathers the things the stores aren't able to sell and place them in open fridges around town. It's called "Solidary Fridge (Soildarisk Kyl)" and could probably work with restaurants as well. But not sure about the laws here either regarding that...
I love this @reko , we have a few of those fridges around New Zealand. Also tonnes of people like you guys collecting food from the wasteful supermarkets & using it for food parcels. It is so unbelievable what they throw out, perfectly good kai (food)
plsce bro vote me
That's true words, in my opinion everything which is leftover with restaurants should be distributed to the needy people with respect and we are human beings and in my opinion we don't need any special permission to distribute it because it's the duty to distribute it instead of throwing.
Have a great day and stay blessed.
It's just unbelievable what you've done from "trash"

yes indeed @amiramnoam, it's hard to believe if you haven't see it with your own eyes. The food I'm saving is just from one single store as well! Crazy world...
You are great, my friend. Not many people willing to do what u did and most of us not even aware of how much food is being wasted everyday. You did a really good job in bringing the awareness to society.
This is incredible
Most people could never imagine themselves biting into a sandwich dug out of a dumpster, but the boundaries blur when you're talking about a sealed wedge of very expensive cheese. Things get even hazier when you factor in the most wholesome of establishments... Whole Foods. It's old news now, but for the uninitiated, there's a large "freegan" subculture of people whose meals are sourced primarily from restaurant and grocery dumpsters. GREAT POST MY FRIEND

Man, that's quite a haul you've got there! I even see some Polarbröd; I love that stuff!
Did you ever get caught by anyone? If yes, what happened?
haha yes indeed! Got caught many a times but always just explain what and why I'm doing it... the police is always nice and shocked of the quality of food I save from the bins!
Hi @reko you made me speachless ... I can´t believe how people throw away that amoung of food... when a lot of people don´t have anything in their tables.. you know here in venezuela the situation is horrible.. theres actually people eating from the trash but the difference its that they dont found anything but lets over...
so I think its amazing what are you doing helping others , I feel proud to know a guy like you. greetings!
You are doing great work @reko. keep it up
Nice! Thanks for the behind the scenes and Lizzy so cute!
Wow that doesn't look like something to be dumped... Its great that you are taking the initiative for this.
I would love to see a video of you guys dumpster diving! 😆