[So delicious#3]Kaiseki Course for Dinner with My Japanese Friend
Hi friends, this is ramengirl

Today I had dinner with my Japanese friend at a Japanese restaurant. My Japanese friend is a sushi chef at one of the First-class hotel in Busan. We've known each other for 2-3 years now. And sadly he's gonna move to another country soon. I feel so sad but sounds like he's got a really good job over there, so I'm really happy for him! We had Kaiseki course which means traditional multi-course Japanese dinner at the restaurant called 'MITAKI'. The manager of MITAKI is also Japanese but he wasn't there today.

Here is the Kaiseki menu.
We ordered MIYABI course because today is a speciall day.
This is the first menu, some Sashimi, tofu, clam soup etc.
I think the first menu was the best for me.
Our second menu was the Temfura.
I really enjoyed shrimp :)
Scallop dish
Abalone dish
Hmmm I can't remember the name of these fishes haha
And Japanese Yakiniku style steak.
It wasn't that good as last time.
The last course was Sushi.
I'm pretty disappointed with the desert actually.
The tea was lukewarm, the icecream was hard.
I had a really great time with my friend in this restaurant.
I hope he have nice time in new place and hope we can meet someday soon again!
Thanks :)
오늘은 저의 일본인 친구와 저녁식사를 하였습니다. 영어로 하면 저의 친구분이지만! 한국어로는 좀 어색하네요, 저보다 나이가 훨씬 많으시니^^ 저의 친구는 지금은 부산의 한 특급호텔에서 셰프로 계시는데 얼마전 좋은 스카웃 제의가 들어와 다른나라로 가시게 되었어요ㅜㅜ 2-3년전 부터 친분을 쌓으며 종종만나서 이렇게 식사를 하며 이야기도 나누고 저에게 많은 조언도 해주신 고마우신 분이에요.
오늘은 미타키라는 부산의 일식점을 갔습니다. 미타키에서는 철판코스만 먹어봤는데 가이세키코스는 처음이네요. 저희는 모처럼이니 미야비로 주문했습니다. 모든 코스가 나쁘진 않았지만 저는 철판코스가 더 나은거 같고... 디저트가 영 별로였네요. 하지만 분위기 만큼은 조용하고 중요한 식사하기 좋은 장소같아요. 매니저분이 일본에서 오신분인데 오늘은 휴무시라 인사를 못했네요. 마지막은 늘 아쉽지만... 조만간 다시 또 만나리라 믿어요. 어디에 계시던^^

저의 포스팅이 좋으셨다면 투표와 팔로우는 라멘걸도 춤추게 합니다^^
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After a recent discussion with a friend I've been very interested in visit Japan someday! There are these 3 Japanese girls in my city who run a local cafe called Tokimeki! I'll share a post about it soon! Thanks for the English versions as I was able to read and enjoy it. Following you for some interesting posts in the future. Take a look at my blogs when you find sometime. Cheers! :)
That's a really beautiful name for cafe! I'm looking for ward your cafe review :) I following you too. Thanks!
Adigato gozaimasu
Food looks Yummy! I love food !! Followed.
벤티님 아닙니다...;; 벤티님 글 잘 읽고 있습니다. 감사합니다.
첫번째 사진에 얼굴 가리워진 사람이 넘 부러워요 ㅠㅠ
아톰님~~ 귀여운 코멘트 감사합니다^^ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
일본에도 스팀 소개 팍팍 해주세요 ㅎㅎ
넵 클레욥님 앞으로 더 많이 하려고 해요^.^
All the food looks so delicious and beautiful! ;)
I will hang out in the wine room! :D