Wheat Berries: Soaking, Drying, and More (Plus Video)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #food8 years ago (edited)

About a year ago I finally got into the habit of soaking my wheat berries before grinding them for making healthier breads.

With all the health benefits to soaking your grains and seeds, it is a good habit to get into but does require some planning ahead. In the video below, I demonstrate how I soak, dry, and store my wheat berries and my ground flour for best preservation and so I have plenty on hand when needed for making breads. It really is just a matter of staying ahead:

When soaking any grains or beans, I always add a couple Tablespoons of my homemade vinegar to the filtered rain water, this helps to break down the phytic acids making them easier to digest.
In this photo is the soaking batch I just started this morning using my own blueberry vinegar:


Besides using my soaked grains for breads, I also use them to make my own hot cereal simply by tossing them into the blender and processing until the size I want


Here is my affiliate link to my Country Living Grain Mill that I highly recommend as it can grind anything and we plan to build a motor someday for when I simply do not have time to hand mill to streamline my day, it is an expense but it is well worth it. Fresh ground flour, beans, corn, whatever on or off the grid: http://amzn.to/2mStK6m

Hope you are all having a wonderful week! ~Heidi



Although I've never soaked my grain before grinding, I can see the benefits of doing so. Being a retired old time machinist/tool & die maker, I see the quality of design and workmanship that goes into the Country Living Grain Mill.
Even though I live off grid, I currently use an electric impact grinder to make my flour from wheat, beans, corn, and rice. I just make sure I do my grinding while the sun is shining and I only grind what I need at the time. When anything is ground, it starts losing it's nutritional value and starts oxidizing within hours.

Right, that is why I either freeze it immediately or use it right away :)

This is excellent work.

I need to start baking again when it cools off a little!

Thank you for the most informative video. I learned a lot from it. I had never soaked my grains before, but I will now.

I know it is healthier to consume grains this way and sometimes I do similar things with it but not always ... 😏
Good post @raincountry!

I treat my grains the same way and have great success.

I must admit, I get a little giddy when I see you have a new post out. Your photographs are so nice to look at.

Interesting, I had never thought about soaking grains before grinding them. We don't grind much of our own flour, we don't have the right kind of grinder for that. The grinder that we have has the steel plates, it will coarse grind, but that's about all.

Great post....Yes the soaking is awesome for nutrition...I just buy ezekiel bread as we are off most bread...unless i make real sourdough...we gain too much weight as we overeat when I make bread...LOL We do raw everything and have an organic co-op. So we have many other choices...But I love bread..I am sure yours ROCKS! AHHHH, We use rain water also....yipee! We just collected gallons last night! The raisin vinegar...going to check that out for sure...
So glad you posted today! I look forward to our next post! upvoted and resteemed this jewel!
Love and peace

Very interesting and thanks for sharing, will share to one of my fb pages for you.

Great idea and instructions! I learn so much from your videos!