What Did I Eat On My Cheat Day?

in #food6 years ago (edited)


First meal of the day? Hmmm, not really, coz I had the peanut clusters an hour before having this Mexican food.

Another taco day but this time it's the crispy shells. I had two tacos.

So technically, I had two cheat days this week? Last Tuesday I was had some tacos and today? Oh no! Haha... That means more calories to burn... Oh well, go to love food and fitness life. 😁


I also had beef quesadillas. They're so good! You have probably seen some of my posts before from this restaurant. It's the same people that owns the high end Mexican restaurant in Cebu, called Maya.

This branch is their fast food Mexican restaurant. Another must try restaurant if you ever visit Cebu!

If you have been following my blogs, you'll notice I don't easily recommend food places, I am picky when it comes to the restaurants that I go to, when I say it's good, trust me it's good! 😉 And if you disagree I'll send you back to that place ND I'll pay for your meal! 😜


Can't skip ice cream on cheat day! I got an pero ice cream at dairy queen, it's not o ly so yummy but also affordable than cold stone and it's satisfying. It's not the best but it's worth the money. Now, that they have two more stores at the mall, means easier to get more dairy queen ice cream than going to the last level of the mall... Oppsss! 😂


I was crazy for dark chocolate, specifically the dark hazelnut but the grocery we went to sold the dark hazelnut, they only have this raisins and hazelnut. I don't I like, it's too sweet but I still ate the whole thing while I complaining to myself, duh!

Will I buy this chocolate bar again? Probably not. I wasn't satisfied so I grabbed a pack of dark rocher pralines that was on sale...


This is good but the texture could be much better, it's too plain. I think won't be buying it again for myself but for the price, I might buy it to give some to the community workers. 😊

Well, that's my cheat day treats. Hopefully next time will be much muuuuuchhhh better! 😁

How do I feel?

I feel heavy! That's all I can say! 😂

Am skipping dinner, it's 4:30pm and am starting my fast. Will have warm tea before bed. ☺️

What about you, did you also have your cheat day?




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In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
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Thanks 😘

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Everything looks just yummy! I am sure you are enjoying every bite :)

Oh no looks like we really went hard off the deep end with cheat day, lol! I love it, ITS TACO TIME!!!

Hmmm. Karasa 😭😭😭

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La comida mexicana es el cielo