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RE: Weight loss secret helped me lose 30 pounds.

in #food7 years ago

I see people always talk about lean meat and such. And avoid red meat. ....What I read a bit about probably 10 years ago is that fat, red meat, all that..... NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.

The problem is what that red meat was fed....and thus, what that fat is constituated by. Hmm... that is the problem. IT is super cheap to feed and finish these animals on subsidized corn. CORN. And there is the kicker. Cows, especially, were not intended to feed 50% much less 90 or 100% on corn. ANd the nutrition and fat from corn fed beef(and other animals too) is much different than free-range / grassfed/ pasture raised.

IF we were eating healthy animals that had not been 'feed lot' fed. Then we would look FOR the fattier meat because it would actually be quite rich nutritiously. But it tastes different than Corn meat. ANd it cooks different too.

Then there is the soy fed chickens (and so soy based eggs). tsk tsk tsk there too.

Then... and perhaps to your history... the bread.
Bread isn't bad. It was a staple in Biblical times without any rebuke by God. But again... how it is grown and processed is important. Cuttin the grain stalks, tying them in sheathes and leaving them to mature for a week or weeks may do a lot to prepare and allow the enzymes to soften the wheat. But that doesn't match with modern mechanized models...

Shall I go on??

No. not tonight.

Anyway, love your videos dear and love seeing you!

Have a good week!
Ta ta!