Who Doesnt Like A Good Barbecue

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Is All About Heat Management

Have you ever cooked the perfect dish? Have you ever easily ruined a perfect dish? If not then I suggest doing both ASAP 😊😁 Its easier to learn faster if you do both. Eventually the latter becomes less frequent and plus, the more successes you have then the more your hungry guests will forgive you 😇. Most of what I have learned has been by trial and error or as Thomas Edison would say, " Ive failed my way to success". For me, I am far happier cooking on my grill. Thus I have more control over how I manage my heat..

My Favorite Method For Grilling

I'm a huge fan of hardwood lump charcoal. Its like any other charcoal in the way operation of it is concerned, however there are a few differences I prefer and these are my reasons

  • Less petroleum based additives and chemicals
  • The ability to keep varying levels of heat
  • Its in a flavor class all on its own
  • Can be stoked back up

My Secret Weapon

Indirect Heat is how my food is cooked the best. If you havent heard a chef say low and slow is how you can unlock tremendous flavor, well now you have..Except im not a chef 🤗🤗. This slow style may take hours, but it is worth the wait. Notice how I am able to keep 95% of my coals away from the chicken I am cooking here? That's my key. I am able to spice the meats and smoke them for extended peroids of time. You may think that stacking them up is not a great idea, but it doesnt matter. With an indirect heat system it acts the way an oven would as well. There are no flames, just like an oven 😁😁. This indirect heat method is most helpful by keeping most of the juices from dripping onto the coals, avoiding a loss of heat. Flames can dehydrate meats also rather quickly so this method will help preserve moisture as well. Eventually after about 45 minutes, the chicken thighs are spaced apart so dont worry just becuase they are bunched together. They stay wetter this way 😇😉




Flavor Options Are Endless

Almost anything that can be cooked indoors may also be cooked this way. I have few limits, until i mess something up and discover it is not possible, which has happened😂..I feel it is not close to the last time it will happen to me. (Grill fires are the best.) All different meats and vegatables from hams to steamed broccoli or asparagus have met my grill. There are so many spices to chose from that you will never lack an idea. One of my personal favorites is organic garlic powder becuase it smells like the incense of the food gods when it is lightly dusted over the hot coals 😀🤗. I speak with @wwf on many great spiritual matters and I wanted to invite him to my post to mention that for me cooking is also spiritual, ritualistic and deeply engrained in our many wonderful earthly cultures. After all we must eat to survive. I believe that sharing food with enemies can make them into friends. We are connected to fire style cooking to an ancient level where i am certain that much more fire style roasting and broasting were more of the norm. This is not said to take any credit away from any of the wonderful cooks out there who prefer their own styles at all. They do a fantastic job and there is none better style than the other in my opinion. This post is meant to glorify all culinary styles, by sharing my preference 😎😁. A huge thank you to @mrchef111, @alphasteem and @broncofan99 who I follow and feel inspired by their food creations. Now i am confident to do the same 😊😊The wood chips pictured above were a combination of mesquite, cherry and hickory..i prefer to grill as organic and clean as possible, we are what we eat of course. In the future much more will come. Eventually i may have a challenge feature in which I will cook whatever my followers suggest, outdoors.. That of course would be better left an option after i learn how to create, edit and publish videos. Wouldnt you like to see all the errors too 😂😂. We are going to have fun. We are going to eat together. Thanks for reading !!!

All pictures owned and taken by me!!


This is my kinda food. Try onions wrapped in foil, put them in the coals (after the fire has subsided). They take a bit longer than meat to cook through. Comes out deliciously sweet and smokey.

Yummmm!! Thanks for sharing, endless possibilites 🤗🤗

OMG That just looks sooooo delicious, yummy post guy!!

Thank you 🤗. More to follow...

LOL - it would be fun to see videos like that! Great post! I wish I could taste the chicken through my screen :')

Thank you!! 😂 Haha, usually Im ok. Yesterday I burnt off my armhair which I had just about gotten back from last time 😇😣😁. That would had been great on video in my opinion 😎

@persius yummi, Que rico, it looks incredible thanks for sharing, the problem is that i am not present to eat it jajajajaj

Yes!! Wouldn't that be great if you were able to have some 😁😎

Spot on! Ummmmmmm. I'm eating pulled pork just right as we speak. But I cheated and used the crock pot to cook the meat. So no Q award for me!

I've had the opportunity to cook quite a little on a Traeger wood fired grill, and I gotta say I love it. My most unlikely entry in the Grill world? Lasagna, and it came out great. Smoky and classical all at the same time. My brother and I do a cookoff every year. He won this year with bacon. BBQ bacon that had been marinated in a brown sugar marinade. Desert bacon and it was just terrific.

Man. I love Q and I love your post. Thank you for it.

Its all good, there is a Singaporean coffee ribs recipe out there ive been wanting to try, its basically crockpot ribs with some asian sauce, coffee grounds and cinnamon dust. I must try it!!! 😁😁

yummy! BBQ! haha :) Great post! Wood chips are definitely the way to go if you can! :) Thanks for the shout-out!

Thank you sir!! Your welcome. Food is king lol 😁

hahahaha that is for sure! Food is definitely king! :)