Vegan Food Shop - #1

in #food9 years ago (edited)

This is the first installment of 'Vegan Food Shop' where I detail a single shop I have made and the health benefits of each item.

Of course, most of the food items are fresh, organic and all contain no meat or dairy, so they are automatically at the higher end of the ethical, environmental and nutritional food spectrum.

Veganism as the Superior Diet Choice

I will do this only once here in this edition of Vegan Food Shop and make it brief. Mostly because I live the benefits talked about and because I prefer not to feel like I'm arguing against things. Instead I'll make some short and simple statements initially, based on my experience and understanding.

If you feel that what I say is of value and makes sense then just try veganism, its that simple. No need to debate forever. Each person will come to their own conclusions based on their likes and dislikes. If one is willing enough one will simply try being vegan and see experientially how great it is.

The Science

Explained simply: a diet that consists mostly of processed foods, meat and dairy will be a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. This will clog your arteries including those in your heart and brain.

Whereas a fresh, plant based, wholefoods diet is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and thus lowers the chance of developing some of the most wide spread and devastating diseases found in humans, like heart disease and dementia.

The evidence for the negative impact of saturated fats and cholesterol is overwhelming in today’s dietary science.

All major all-cause mortality risks can be traced back to bad diet choices predominately. Heart diseases, like Atherosclerosis, is the lead killer in developed nations today. Atherosclerosis is a vascular disorder where ones arteries become clogged. Needless to say, it has a very detrimental impact on the heart and brain, effects of which can lead to other cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's:

If you would like to look more into the explanations that support the benefits of a vegan diet and further prove its superiority intellectually then a good place to start would be the work of top experts in the field of cardiology like William C. Roberts.

He is editor and chief of the American College of Cardiology. He has singled out cholesterol as the only cause of Atherosclerosis and has gone as far to say that human beings are herbivorous as only herbivores can get Atherosclerosis:

Although one can think, read and talk all day about how great a fresh, plant based, whole foods diet like veganism is, it is better to simply try and then see the positive results directly for oneself. As herein lies the real value. If one has not experienced something one cannot truly know. So I encourage anyone who eats meat and dairy to try not doing so for themselves.

The Haul

So with that intellectual and technical stuff out of the way, lets focus on the actual benefits of vegan foods and how it allows one to live a better life.

Personally, I never usually buy more than a few days’ worth of food. This is mostly because I prefer to eat fresh and not cook food as much as possible. Cooking reduces the nutritional value of food or even destroys the foods health properties entirely.

So with this in mind my first item is a fresh soup, consumed uncooked. But not just any soup. A very powerful one. When you open the carton the potent smell hits you. That alone gives me energy. It smells so good, a veritably natural elixir, a powerhouse of world class ingredients.

600g Glorious! Super Soup: Vietnamese Super Green - A light and fragrant soup packed with spinach, petis pois, broccoli & quinoa with aromatic ginger, lime and lemongrass

Apart from label also stating that the soup is vegan, 2 of my 5 a day and gluten free, the inside of the tub contains some really powerful ingredients.

Spinach is a great source of iron. Many meat eaters think that you have to eat meat to get enough iron, when actually not only do many plant based foods have a better quantity but also a better quality.

Like with iron many meat eaters think that its not possible to get adequate protein other than by consuming the flesh of tortured and murdered animals. However with quinoa we get all 9 essential amino acids, not only making a complete protein source but one that requires no brutal loss of life.

Two Wholemeal Buns

I always try to buy wholemeal bread over white as it contains more fiber, vitamins and minerals, like E, B6, folic acid, zinc and magnesium.

100g approx 3 servings of Organic Cashew Nuts

I love to eat nuts and butters from various nuts. So today I got a small helping of Organic Cashews. Here is a funny video from YouTube, the woman's voice makes them sound divine, like the object of some religious cult hahaha

Next to wash it all down I picked up a super smoothie:


This is the exact content of the smoothie, so you can see it contains more than the three fruits listen on the front:


This medley makes for a great antioxidant potion. Antioxidants are great for preventing disease and the best sources are found in fruit and veg.

Four Organic Kiwis

You may not know this, but Kiwis have 4-6x more vitamin C than Oranges and contain over 20 of the most vital nutrients we need. This truly makes them a top class super food!

One Avocado

Avocados contain a lot more potassium than even bananas, and they have a lot! says this about potassium:

The health benefits of potassium include relief from stroke, blood pressure, heart and kidney disorders, anxiety and stress, as well as enhanced muscle strength, metabolism, water balance, electrolytic functions, and nervous system.

They are also a great source of fibre, amazing for keeping your digestive tract in tip top shape.

One Organic Mango

I absolutely love mangoes! Here is a little of what has to say about them:

Mangoes are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are also an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin B6, as well as a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Mangoes are rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium and copper…These powerful antioxidants have the power to neutralize free radicals throughout the body. Ailments like heart disease, premature aging, cancer and degenerative diseases are due to these free radicals that damage the cells.


So that was my Vegan Food Shop for today. It will likely last me just over a day and cost around 10£:


Me hugging the haul hahaha:



Just as I was about to leave the heavens started to open up and I made like a good cave man gatherer and made haste to the nearest shelter to feed :)

If you would like to see more future content from me - which will include a number of ongoing series - then be sure to Follow @onesunbeingnow


Yes. Best herb on the planet. I took it for years. But have not took it for years now. Once in the UK I experienced myself and all that was around me as God, pure ethereal light, with my two eyes closed, through my third eye, while I stood up on a bus hahah I was taking a lot of Daunwood Reishi. It has to be Duanwood grown: