Travel with Nicole #11 Shenzhen : 🍖 Yakiniku Futago 🔥【 跟妮可遊深圳: 🍖 大阪燒肉雙子 🔥 】
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Today I would like to introduce — Yakiniku Futago😛
今天我會分享一間日本料理正宗的餐廳給大家— 大阪燒肉雙子(國貿店)😛
Yakiniku Futago 大阪燒肉雙子
I believes that some of you should be familiar with this Japanese restaurant's name, Futago. Futago is a Yakiniku shop from Japan, it has around 8 shops in Japan, 4 shops in Taiwan, 1 shop in China and 1 shop in Hong Kong.
我相信有些人應該熟悉這個日本餐廳的名字,燒肉雙子。 Futago是日本的燒烤店,日本約有8家,台灣4家,另外1家在中國,1家在香港。
All Futago have similar styles and interior designs, which is a traditional Yakiniku style you will see in Japan.
A small cooking stove, around A4 paper size is placed on the table, with open flame. Each of the stove is pair with a pumping smoke pipe.
The exhaust system is great. Each table has a long pipe directly aligned with the oven.
(Almost no barbecue taste after the dinner, at least much better than the general barbecue shop.)
You may place your belongings under the chairs. Hand towels are provided after sitting.
The utensils and menu choices are consistent with the other shops. Only 2 choices are provided, one is traditional barbecue sauce, another one is kind of vinegar sauce.
Meat choices are wide, included beef, pork, chicken and seafood, however all the popular dishes are beef.
Different parts of beef you may find in the menu.
❤️ Lets see what we had today 😛 讓我們看看我們今天有什麼 ❤️
I had my dinner with little @cosetteee , we had ate a lots and don't be surprised by our eat-volume :P
我和小 @cosetteee 的晚餐,我們吃了很多東西,不要對我們的食量感到驚訝:P
OMG. This is absolute tasty, this is potato mash mixed with egg and mayonnaise!
(Pineapple) Pickled bovine ribs served with dry ice. The meat is juicy, chewy but not tough. If you order served with pineapple, you will find a special performance!
(菠蘿)淹漬牛肋條。肉多汁,保留了少少耐嚼,很好吃。 如果你訂了有菠蘿的會有特別表演呢~
Skirt meat. It is mouthwatering, it melts inside your mouth with doughy texture, we had encore this dish!
Scallop. Ummm, okie, a bit bland. I guess the meat is better here.
Beef tongue. Tender and chewy, it cuts thicker then usual beef tongue.
Pork neck with wasabi, it is a good choice when you had eaten lots of beef and it gives a change of taste.
豬頸肉與芥末。 當你吃了很多牛肉時,這是一個不錯的選擇。可以改變口感。
Diamond ribs, seasoned tender beef, it is slightly greasy then the other dishes.
Spicy ramen. I need to admit that we had ordered lots of food..... we felt too full when this ramen comes, the ramen is al dente, the ramen soup is good.
Opinion 評價 :
Fresh and delicious food, beef's choices are wide.
Atmosphere, environment is very good, close to Japanese Habitat.
氣氛,環境很好,跟日本居酒屋接近。(香港也有店呀!!!! @krischy )
Ingredients level 食材 5/5
Skills & Taste 料理技藝水平和口味的融合 4/5
Level of innovation 創新 3/5
Worth of price 是否物有所值 4/5
Address 地址:羅湖區 南湖路3009號國貿商廈2A2H(富苑皇冠假日酒店正對面)
Tel 電話:0755-22304739
Price 人均:$250 RMB / $30 USD ; 250元人民幣/約30美元
Business hours 營業時間:
Monday 周一:17:00~24:00
Tuesday to Saturday 周二至周六:12:00~凌晨02:00
Sunday 周日:12:00~24:00

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japan experiments with their food as well as technology keep going
It seems great place and delicious food :-)
Great travel
好好吃啊, 你要試試!
thanks for shearing
我餓了!!! ((口水流滿地...
taiwan also have shop!!! you can go !
好!! :D
nice post .. i like your writing