A recipe 100% American, which allows to make reese (chocolate confectionery and cocachutte butter) home.
For all the French who do not have the chance to buy Reese, I propose today to make them oneself, and to feast.
Recipe for 12 reese
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes
Total recipe time: 1 hour
Customer rating: 4.3 / 5 - 3430 reviews
Ingredients for Reese
- 330 g (11.5 ounces) of milk dessert chocolate or chocolate chips to melt
- 200 g peanut butter (3/4 cup)
- 64 g sugar (1/2 cup or 2.25 ounces)
Cupcakes made of paper or cupcakes
Recipe for house reese
- Melt half the chocolate in a bain marie
- Place the melted chocolate in the 12 molds
- Place the casseroles in the fridge for 20 minutes, so that the chocolate freezes
- Take out the molds from the fridge
- Mix the peanut butter with the sugar to obtain a smooth mixture
- Place a dollop of the mixture in the center of each tray
- Crush the peanut butter a little so that it is not too "high"
- Cover with the rest of the melted chocolate in the bain marie
- Refrigerate 20 minutes
- And here is a quick and easy recipe, which gives like the real!
You can decorate the reese with animals:
You can also do them for halloween: