Ice cream with cream with black currant
Ice cream with cream with black currant
cream 450 ml
currant 170 g
sugar 120 g
egg yolk 4 pcs.
vanilla extract 2 tsp.
Beat a mixture of sugar and eggs in a lush mass. Heat the cream with vanilla extract to a boil, immediately remove from the plate, pour in a thin trickle, whipping the mixture of yolks. Pour all into a metal container, cool, cover, remove for a couple of hours in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Prepare berries, put them in a saucepan, pour a quarter of a glass of water, pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar, boil on low heat to boil.
Fresh currants should not be subjected to heat treatment. Prepare the berries with a blender puree, (cool if the currant was frozen) mix with the mass from the refrigerator, cover with foil, return the ice cream with currants for 4 hours (night) in the freezer.