lilwoodenspoon food blog #007
Mac and Cheese

This marks a history for my lilwoodenspoon food blog! You know why?
This is my very first attempt of making Mac & Cheese!!
Oh boy, yeap I succeed! I remember I just came back from Iceland. On the next day, my friends and I went for a grocery trip. I saw the pack of macaroni on the aisle and immediately I had the ohm to make myself a Mac & Cheese for lunch after the trip.
Super duper simple recipe yet it brought satisfaction to me and my tummy haha.
Three basic ingredients are needed to make Mac & Cheese and they are macaroni, cheese and milk. But I added my own personal favourite into it.
MY OWN RECIPE! Wanna guess??
GARLIC! HAHA! Did you got it right?
It literally brought my bowl of Mac & Cheese to another level! It smelled sooooo good!
But two things I would wanna improve for my next attempt:
- The macaroni needs to boil longer a bit, because they were not chewy enough
- I need more varieties of cheese! I only had cheddar. If only I had parmesan and mozzarella too
Here are my recent posts!
MK's Adventure Chapter 2: My First Day in the UK
MK's Adventure Chapter 1: Leaving Home
lilwoodenspoon food blog #006
As you know? Looks good.
Thanks @jmhb85!! hehe
I thought boiling it longer would make it soft and less chewy?
But yessssss mosarela cheese is everything!
yums! true that @maxyong about the boiling thing. but who are we to argue with the celebrity chef :p
@maxyong @calebleejl my "longer" doesn't mean like extra 10 or 15 mins laa!! Hahaha but thanks for the comment
Delicious eh! Garlic, that's a brilliant addition! :)
Ngaw thanks for approving this!! Anything with garlic is delicious haha