I Only Celebrate The Super Bowl For The Food And To Listen To My Husband Yell
I really don't watch sports. That being said it has become a yearly tradition for me to watch the Super Bowl with my husband. Over the past nine years we've developed our traditions so we both have something we enjoy about the day. I enjoy cooking and eating good food. My husband enjoys eating and watching the game and screaming at the TV.
Since my health hasn't been the greatest, I did take some easy routes in cooking by picking super simple recipes. In past years we'd go all out cooking BBQ ribs or steak with asparagus in cheese sauce or really big complex meals. This year we just did simple finger foods. I made spinach dip (my own recipe here), salsa (5 minute salsa recipe here, pigs in a blanket, and spaghetti. My husband made buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks. Some of our guests brought brownies and garlic bread and wine.
My Recipe For Spinach Dip
This is my favorite spinach dip I worked hard to master. We love spinach dip from a restaurant called Cheddars. I spent a really long time trying to make a copycat recipe for it and it's now a permanent part of Super Bowls in our family. It's super easy to make. You just melt a bunch of cheeses, spices, and cream together and mix with spinach. This time I put it in a baking dish, topped it with mozzarella, and baked it then I put some extra sour cream on the top.
5 Minute Salsa
I've never made salsa from scratch before and this is my first attempt. It's a food I'd like to find a perfect recipe for because chips and salsa is a nice snack. I feel like our local Mexican restaurant changed their formula or doesn't make theirs in house anymore because the taste isn't great. This recipe for 5 minute salsa took me 30 minutes with my toddler running around my feet but it was a good start to finding a recipe we like. It had an interesting effect where you felt the spice hit your tongue and you thought it would burn but it didn't. I don't like spicy things so that was a really nice sensation it gave.
Pigs in a Blanket
Take some cocktail weenies, wrap them in Pillsbury croissant dough, and bake until fluffy and brown...can't get much easier than than. I enjoy making a big batch of pigs in a blanket to snack on. They're good cold so I grab a few to snack on throughout the day. They're best when fresh because the croissant dough is so fluffy.
Spaghetti and Buffalo Wings
Spaghetti with meat sauce is my favorite food. I haven't had it since November because I've been sick and I just haven't felt like cooking. Now that I've had antibiotics and am feeling better my appetite is back. I really wanted spaghetti so I made it mainly for me. My husband loves Buffalo wings so he made those for him. He basically deep fried chicken wings plain so the skin gets crispy then he dips them in a cup of sauce as he eats them one by one.
Vicki kept me company while cooking and begged for chicken
Watching the game...
Yeah...it was a really boring game. My husband hates the Patriots but he really didn't yell much. It was a low scoring game and not much excitement happened for a long time. There wasn't much for my husband to yell at. He's so entertaining when he gets mad and yells at the TV. Our toddler was really cute and playful so I enjoyed playing with her on the floor off and on while the game went on. The food was goo and we enjoyed our guests company.
Eventually when the Patriots were going to win a Patriot loving guest did lots of screaming in celebration. That was pretty funny to watch. I was glad when the game was over. I was exhausted from all the activity of the day and ready to go to bed.
I only watch the super bowl half time :) Hope you are feeling better, but it looks like you had lots of great food!
Hey, how are you doing with re-selling those items you bought? I think it was you :)
We aren't big football fans, but when my brother is in town during the Super Bowl, we watch it. He's from New Hampshire, so guess who he roots for? ;)
Funny thing, my wife did the croissant and hot dog thing for the first time in ages just within the last week! :O It has been years...
The stone column your TV is on reminds me of our fireplace...
My oh my, I hope you start feeling better soon!

The pigs in a blanket are my favorite for big gathering because they take no effort to make. Neat you got to try them from your wife.
The stone wall is a chimney. I think there was a wood stove in that room a long time ago because there is a round hole in the middle for a pipe. We'd love a wood stove but we like the TV there and its a small living room.
I'm sort of better...I managed to get the flu. Shew...I just keep breaking. It's starting to pass now.
May I recommend that you take a regular dose of the colloidal silver in order to keep your immunity up?
By itself, it is helpful but not a complete remedy.
For the flu, here is my very best recommendation. PLEASE get some from Amazon or wherever, and keep several bottles on hand for the next flu attack:
"Flu Ban"
I can't recommend Flu-Ban enough! It has been a real God-send for our family. When I get a cold or a flu, if I start taking Flu-Ban, I am feeling much better within 24 hours...
I'm glad you're starting to get over things, but please get some of this amazing stuff for your own good! :)
Take care of yourself, my friend!
The food looks good!
I actually hate team sports in general. Seeing people getting paid millions of dollars to throw a lop-sided ball around and bump into each other just doesn't do anything for me.