Super Delish Halibut
Mouth watery, juicy, savory and yet still have the delicate taste of halibut fish. I'm super creative to cook halibut fish, they are bit tricky. Overcooked will give you a tough texture and it could ruin your appetite.
So the idea to mix with some other ingredients will give us a new experience without taking away the real tenderness of their texture and I promise this meal is crazy good. Super easy and super fast too.
My own original recipe.
Prep Time: 15 minutes / Cook Time: 15 minutes
1 palm size of fresh halibut
6 breaded mozzarella cheese sticks
1 1/2 tbsp heavy cream
1 stem of fresh oregano-chopped
Pepper and salt
Wash the halibut and dry it up with paper towel ( I always make sure everything is dry before I cook, otherwise it will produce a lot of juice), then roughly chop it.
Chop also the breaded mozzarella cheese stick, keep some for sprinkles. In a bowl, gently mix all the ingredients.
Use ramekins or a small bowl, and place the mixed ingredients into it then sprinkles with some chopped mozzarella cheese. Bake for 15 minutes over 300 degrees.
It looks wonderful
I would add some green chili, yogurt and onion to bring out some freshness and heat.
I would talk about food and flavor all day everyday . The best things in life touches you tongue.
Wuuiihhh ada empat porsi nich.... Teteh @lugina stu lagi buat siapa ya....??
Sok buat sayang wa zhi, wa paketin ya!
Teteh @lugina ..masak nya selalu buat kami tergoda.. kirem lah buat kami juga.
Oh ya teh..moga sehat selalu ya m sehingga bisa masak selalu. Hehhehe
the food looks very delicious to see, i would have thought of how delicious it is to taste. hahhaha
Wuih, so delicious
Terima kasih sebelumnya kakak @lugina..
Saya sangat tertarik dengan resep ikan halibut,
Ditambah lagi dengan ikannya yang sangat enak,, namun sayang nya sekarang ikan ini sangat langka didapatkan,
Oya kak @lugina, bolehkan saya menyimpan resep ikan halibut kakak ya??
Iya, silahkan ... apa karena mahalnya ya jadi langka! biasanya orang kita kan kl yg bagus dan mahal di impor yg bs nya bagian dalam negri.
wow, bunda @lugina is super can. thanks for the information bunda @lugina :)
Bunda is super can ...can cry too!
Betul itu teh... Kl udah nangis jd sedikit lega....👍👍
Masak sih @riery ... Menangis sebap apa yang bisa menjadi lega . hehehe ;) ....
Kalau hati lag kezzzeelll.... Kadang menangislah obatnya,,,,...
Itu kl aku..
Oooo ... Itu betul juga :) ...
hehehehe ... orang hebat masak tidak bisa menangis bunda, semua orang bisa menangis.tetapih, jangan menangis selalu, nanti wajah bunda yang cantik bisa rusak, dan menjadi jelek ... Hehehehehe ....
So simple and delicious, I'm sure! And I'm glad to see the recipe for halibut. In my area we cook soup from this fish. My mother says that halibut is such a special fish, which is suitable only for soup. But I will prepare this recipe for her arrival and destroy her stereotype of halibut! Thanks for the recipe.
It will be my honer if my fish's recipe can please her and no doubt an old recipe is always at the top ... have you post halibut fish yet? I have to try some of Russian soup ...
I didn't write the recipe for halibut soup. But my blog has a recipe for salmon and cream soup. But it is rather a recipe of Finnish cuisine.
I'll take a look n will try as soon as i have time ...Thank you!
beautiful dish this is thanks for sharing the recipe :)
looks so good, I haven't breakfast, this is already feel hungry, whether it for breakfast.?
Hi @lugina.masakan yang sangat lezat
Anda sangat kreatif dalam membuat masakan temanku.sukses selalu untukmu.dan bisa menciptakan masakan masakan berikutnya.
Amiin, mudah2an bisa ..