
in #food7 years ago (edited)


  • king of late snack-hot pot/夜宵王者-火锅
In recent years, the night snacks in Shanghai have been occupied by various kinds of hot pot, and the smell that comes out of the door is so amazing. Although I come from Shanghai, I fall in love with spicy, the pic is a famous bull-frog hotpot in Shanghai.


  • street food-bbq/路边摊一霸-烧烤
  • Once upon a time, you can still eat bbq by the road, a small table, a couple of beers, which was one night, because of the beautiful demand of the city, it is now very rare to find such a small stall on the roadside in Shanghai,the pic is the satay when i was traveling in Malaysia.


    • favorit staple-noodle/主食最爱-面条
    Walking on the street in Shanghai, there are several noodle shops on one street. Now, the demand for noodles is getting higher and higher,  delicacy is delicious, especially the Japanese ramen  noodles.but I still miss the old taste of the green onion oil noodles.




我和你口味一样 无辣不欢 最爱吃面😆