My EYES Scream for Ice Scream!
Summer here is extremely HOT! But nothing BEATS the HEAT and COOLS your DAY with a scoop of Ice cream! Enjoy it before it melts!
Love potion 41, one of my favorite flavor at baskin robins.
Ice cream, frozen treats usually made from dairy products typically eaten as snack or dessert. Ice cream surely best suits a freakin hot day as it is certainly refreshing and creamy at the same time. And it is one of my comfort food that sets my mood, when I am mad, heart-broken, weary and having a bad day. There’s surely something in every ice cream that makes me happy.
From the day I was born up to now, I have already tasted a lot of ice cream flavours from different brands.
During my childhood years, I remembered sorbetes, it is a traditional ice cream with variety of flavours, peddled in the street. Its alternative name is dirty ice cream. I remembered having it during my birthdays as it is affordable.
I know most of you loves chocolate flavored ice cream. Who would not love a chocolate and ice cream in one? Surely happiness all the way.
Oh by the way, during reviews before exam when I was still at school, I always eat ice cream while reading my notes it helps a lot in stimulating my brain. It works for me all the time.
Today, my mouth is craving for something refreshing, when I opened our fridge I was looking out for a cold softdrinks but to my dismay we don’t have any. Then I decided to open the freezer wishfully thinking that my brother has stored one refreshing cold drink. My eyes screamed upon seeing not just one box but two boxes of Ice cream! The heaven must have heard my cravings.
Being away from home makes me miss the taste of goodness and at the same time you are not really updated with the new flavours being introduced in the Philippines.
Magnolia and Selecta are two of the known brands of ice cream in the Philippines. And it is good to know that we can actually buy these ice creams here in UAE. Special thanks to the people who makes it possible.
Ube keso, made with purple yam and a twist of cheese. I love ube! It is commonly used on filipino desserts such as halo halo and ube halaya. At the same time I am also a cheese lover. I extremely love the idea of ube and cheese combined together. This is one of the best seller ice cream flavors back home. It has its unique taste that suits well with a Filipino palate like me. Of course, the usual flavors like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry are very common. For those of you who have not tried it yet, it is strangely good! Just give it a try!
This one is a new flavour for me! Avocado machiatto, avocado flavored ice cream with ground tablea bits swirled with coffee ripple.
Tablea is hot chocolate made from cacao balls typically in a form of a small thick disk.
It is my first time to taste it, honestly, I didn’t find it amusing and my palate does not seem to be excited. It actually did not give me that bursting feeling kind of thing. Of course, I love avocado most especially it goes well with condensed milk. And I love tablea and coffee so much. I can drink as much cup as I can and would want to. However, this combination does not seem to make me wanna feed more of it. Perhaps, I should try it again next time, eating this flavour alone. Maybe because I ate it together with Ube keso that’s why I have not enjoyed its flavour. Ube keso might have over powered Avocado macchiato with its creaminess and distinct taste.
I love the idea to sit and relax by the couch enjoying a cup of ice cream and television. It is indeed quite entertaining after a busy day’s work.
Here are some of the ice cream brands in my list that I enjoyed while I was here in UAE:
- Baskin Robins ~ by the way for those of you who are not aware, here in UAE, they give 31% discount only every 31st of every month.
- Bulla, a taste of Australian ice cream. We usually buy it at Spinneys.
- London Dairy ~ We usually buy this if they have promo.
- Hägen-Dazs, it is a famous American brand ice cream

This was my brother’s treat after giving birth to my son. As you know during pregnancy, you limit yourself from sweet treats.
Double Chocolate is one of my favorite flavor.

I love their Macadamia Nut Brittle and Chocolate Pralines & Caramel flavor.
Of course though we have variety of brands and flavours to choose from, we will always crave for the unique flavors we have back home.

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness in common things. ~Henry Ward Beecher
All photos taken using my iPhone

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