Pasta 0 calories - rescue for your diet?

in #food7 years ago

  Hello in today’s article I’d like to raise a question of “fit” products. Seeing such an inscription on the store shelves, we find products that will help us in slimming, but unfortunately, it will be only slimming down our wallets.The products offered in such departments usually have the same amount of calories as their "less healthy" counterparts, and their composition is only slightly different. They stand out only with a colorful label with athletic, smiling people and a suspiciously high price. With such a conviction in my head, I learned about the noodles practically devoid of calories. Full of skepticism I decided to take the risk and test this product for you.

Immediately the question arises whether eating such pasta is safe for us at all? - it turns out that it is.

    A great surprise for me was the composition of the pasta. The title "Pasta 0 calories, what is interesting is not produced from dozens of types of thickeners and xanthan gums, it is made from fiber "glucomannan" obtained from the roots of the konjac plant. This fact makes its nutritional content only 6 kcal per 100g of a product when the same amount of ordinary pasta contains up to 150 calories. I must admit that such a result obtained in a natural way is a considerable achievement.

Well, this pasta has practically no calories and is natural, but does it taste like pasta at all? - It would be too good if I answered yes.

   We buy this pasta in the form of bags filled with liquid, in which pasta is immersed, which makes the case a bit strange. After unpacking the pasta, we will feel its characteristic scent - something like seafood. Fortunately, this effect disappears immediately after rinsing the pasta with warm water, which I strongly encourage you to do. I tried to prepare this pasta in several different ways and I must admit that I do not see any difference in texture or taste, regardless of whether we cook it for five, ten or fifteen minutes. We can fry it as well. Its consistency will resemble al dente pasta, which is easy to get used to. The taste of the pasta itself is not clear, so I recommend using it for strong, definitely spiced dishes.After a dozen or so attempts I can say with a clear conscience that this pasta is best suited for Eastern cuisine dishes, from where it comes from. It is an ideal addition to all dishes based on noodles, in which you don’t really feel the difference in taste.

Last question. How much will we pay for this beneficial product? - interestingly less than you might think (at least here in Poland, also all prices comparisons will be done in polish zloty since I live in Poland and it’s our currency).

   The price of one kilo of plain pasta is about 7 zlotys, we will pay 21 for a kilogram of konjac pasta. It is exactly three times more, this is a seemingly big difference, however, when I think that the same amount of money people wanting to change their bad eating habits will spend on "fit cakes" which have 26 grams of sugar per 100g of product, I think you have something to ponder.

My individual product evaluation:

   I have been dealing with konjac pasta since three weeks ago and I must admit that it will probably be my obligatory product in the fridge forever (yes, this pasta should be kept cool all the time). This product is no longer hard to find in Poland, and its preparation is a matter of literally three minutes, in addition, is healthy and most importantly has almost 0 calories. You have to try for yourself in what dishes you can use it, perhaps it is thanks to it that you will add some oriental recipes to your kitchen.

Answering briefly the question: is it worth it? - Of course!