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RE: Betaine HCL "Digestion and Absorption"

in #food7 years ago

This person might not know what methyl is. Methyl is a CH3 group attached to another molecule, it does not exist alone, for your information. I truly do not get the "loosing methyl groups, 'but then again, I am merely a pHD in chemistry with a major in biochemistry. HCL being a methyl donor, huh? How?, where is the CH3 in HCl?


in addition the acidity in your stomach cant be raised with betaine HCl

Dr Marshall has a PhD in biochemistry just sharing his information because he is no longer with us !

Not sure you have a clue bro
Thanks for stopping by though !

Maybe I shouldn't mention ACV Either

Betaine is a metabolite of choline, and is also known as trimethylglycine or TMG. Betaine hcl works by donating methyl (CH3) groups. This nutrient has the ability to convert homocysteine to methionine. Betaine hydrochloride means it is in combination with hydrochloric acid.

C's get degrees

Betaine HCl is said to help remedy hypochlorhydria.

Hypochlorhydria refers to when the stomach is not as acidic as it should be. An acidic stomach is very important for both healthy digestion and immunity.

I must say I am a fan of him, and your source above refers to reasonsble magazine, so I will look into it. It seems to be a good addition to B6, if you go to the original article.

Ok you got me hooked, I looked into it, and there are even trials at the moment with betaine for metabolism, and gastric pH.
Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 16.30.46.png

You will like this tool, its, and you can find trials and all kinds of data in one place on chemical substances, or diseases or symptoms. Its free for people, but companies have to pay.