Timphan- Typical Food of Aceh

in #food8 years ago (edited)


Hi, friend.

This food is named Timphan. This name is in Aceh.

Timphan is usually served on religious holidays in Aceh. Eid al-Adha, one of them.

According to tradition, we as a family, also make timphan for Eid al-Adha, which will be commemorated tomorrow morning. I hope all the family and guests who come to the house, can enjoy it.

Good night all.


Nyan... Ka neu copy ata long heuh? Hehehe

Oma nyan tuduhan yang gawat. Yang pon, lon hantom plagiat. Kedua, plagiatnya memalukan. Ketiga, meunyoe plagiat pasti ijak si Cheetah dan dalam kasus ini tidak ada. Yang ketiga coba baca ulang tulisan lon nyoe.

Hahahaha, tenang2 bek panik....
Nyan candaan long malam baroe karena kebetulan tanyoe posting tentang timphan dalam waktu bersamaan, trus judulnya hampir saban. Hehehe
Saleum kompak selalu.
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