Would you buy a leg for 10pence ?

in #food8 years ago

So the question is would you ? if you had the chance would you buy that leg for your Sunday dinner? we did!

I wanted to share with you what happened tonight when we went to the supermarket to get some food.
I don't know about you but I love to know we have got a bargain...
I don't know about where you are, (if you are not in the uk) but the supermarkets here reduce food down at the end of the night and sell it much cheaper.
I thought I would share with you tonight's bargains buys.....

The leg
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Okay I accept not everyone wants to eat it, but for that price it had to be had, and our family loves it...

As for the rest of the bargains .. they were these....

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All in all £61.25 worth of food for a grand total of £1.56 and yes we left some for others too.. sharing is caring...
and we have a family to feed too :)


Excellent bargain hunting. I love it when I catch them at just the right time and get some really cheap food.

Well done you. Enjoy your bargains reduced ot not it's better than beans on toast xx

it is.. we will eat so much better and it will go such a long way . I am pleased that we had the chance to get it at the price we did