Making Watermelon-Elderberry Moonshine (WINE) on the Homestead...Party in The Garden
With summer upon us and it's officially berry season, and the watermelon's are about 2 weeks away from being ready, I thought it would be appropriate to give you a fun recipe for that Summer Party in the Garden. Enjoy. Stay tuned in the Fall for the Apple Pie Moonshine Recipe to serve at your Thanksgiving Dinner.
32 Lb watermelon
1 1/4 Lb dried elder-berries
water to 5 gallon
juice and zest of 10 lemons
36 cups granulated sugar
wine or distillers yeast
Cut the rind off of melon, cut melon into one-inch cubes, remove loose seeds, and put melon and any free juice in primary (crock, plastic pail, etc.). Grate the yellow thinly off ten lemons, then juice the lemons and add the juice and zest (gratings) to primary. Add dried elderberries. Add water to make up 5 gallons. Stir in sugar and stir well to dissolve. Cover primary with cloth, wait 12 hours and add yeast. Cover and ferment 3 days, stirring daily. Strain juice into secondary (demijohn) and fit airlock. Ferment 30 days.
I have substituted Elderberries for Raspberries, Strawberries and Grapes. Have FUN with this, get crazy, and experiment!
If you have some other recipes of Wine or Moonshine that you would like to share we all would love to read about it, here at this Homesteading community.
Happy Trails
Awesome! I am a beer maker but I always wanted to make moonshine. Shh! Don't tell anyone because making moonshine is illegal even for personal use in the United States.
Shhhh it is still illegal in Canada too, but if it's just being stored in my basement and my family and I are the only ones who will enjoy it, then no harm done.
[With a hushed voice] okay, your secret is safe with us.
Well, mead and homemade beers will be more powerful than any store bought beer or wine, so there's that.
We love to make wine, will post our next batch! Thanks for sharing!!!
Sounds amazing
it is. Tastes just like a juice. I add ice cubes and fresh blackberries and raspberries, to the jug when I have company.
I'm making this at my next party downunder!!! Nice one bro !! @ch00fy
Plan ahead because it does take a month to ferment
Thank you for the heads up. My friend @back2basics is a huge inti fermentation.
Thank you for your recipe
That does sound absolutely delicious. I wish we could grow watermelon here - maybe next year with my new polytunnel when it is finished.
Wait, I am in Canada and grow a bunch outside all summer. Where are you located?
I'm in wet west Wales in the UK. There's high rainfall and low sunfall here. Not really melon weather alas but I am hopeful for my polytunnel (hoophouse).
We have had an abundance of rain, like rain every single day for like 2-3 weeks, and I have maybe 2-3 hours of sun on my watermelons and they are doing amazing. I have them growing in a bucket with a piece of lattice to grow up. I have the smaller watermelon's growing. I will do a post about growing watermelons, and the misconceptions. Thanks
Look forward to that article. We are just putting the cover on our new polytunnel today, so my hopes are high 😎
Looking forward to pic's, as I may do this in the fall to extend my growing season.Thanks
Oh yum.... upvoted.
Thank you. If my watermelon does not get water logged from the rain should be a YUM