Bulletproof Coffee but with Smart Drugs Recipe - Kimera Koffee + Butter + Brain Octane

in #food9 years ago

**Warning: If you are not prepared for a jolt of energy via Ketones and Caffeine then pass on this one. **

However, if you are ready to knock out a paper or project, this drink recipe, which is a modification of the Bulletproof Exec's recipe, will launch you into Productivity Turbo Mode (PTM).

Kimera Koffee - The reason I use Kimera Koffee is that they include the following elements into their coffee blend:

----Alpha GPC - Basically Choline is the driver of much of the electrical activity in the Brain (recall,forming, sorting memories)

---Taurine - You'll find this in Redbull and it's an amino acid, but not an ordinary one. This one provides Focus

---L-Theanine - One of the compounds in Green Tea that provides the "even-ness" of focus and attention. I like to refer to it as the "Flow Oil.".

----DMAE or Deanol (Dimethylethanolamine) - This one is a quite interesting addition to the blend. The clinical use appears to be in the area of ADHD which would lend itself to attention and concentration areas. __


Kimera Koffee - .

KerryGold GrassFed Unsalted Butter - Most WholeFoods and nicer markets carry this brand. USE only MAX 2 Tablespoons. Regular butter doesn't contain as many good FATS. (CLAs, etc)

Brain Octane (Bulletproof Exec) - IMPORTANT!!! _Only use 1-2 Tablespoons of Oil. This stuff will give you diaster pants. If you are not careful. MCT oil can be substituted but the Brain Octane is only C-8 vs C-10 and C-12 (Lauric Acid)

Blender - GENTLY (because you don't want to damage FATS) mix ingredients together. I use hand blender.

Drink WITHIN 20 min.

Get ready to BLAST OFF. Works great for me. I hope it helps you. Let me know what you think.


Good to see somebody else having it! I use Venezuelan Coffee (100% Arabica), Oldenburger Butter from Germany, and Coconut oil from the Caribbean... I call it CocoBuCo...

Wow @pino. Those ingredients sound amazing! The Oldenburger Butter probably sends your brain to the moon. Thank you for commenting. Have a good one 🏆

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