Food is art!

in #food6 years ago

I would like to introduce this post with this aphorism in italian (one of the most beautiful languages in the world) :
"Il peccato di gola non è la mera ingordigia o la smodata consumazione di cibo, ma il lusso alimentare, la predilezione per la cucina raffinata, la propensione a cibarsi esclusivamente di pietanze pregiate e costose"
It means, in few words, sin of gluttony is not mere greed, it's not when someone eat a lot without control, but it's actually looking always for excellent food, It's research of luxury food. Looking always to eat select and extremely refined and expensive dishes.
Even when we just see a beautiful dish, it makes as starving.
What are the most important qualities of a dish?

  • PRESENTATION: we can be ipnotyzed from a wonderful plate, the armony the food creates on a table.
  • COLOURS : it's not just the taste, but sometime we eat food with our eyes (mangiare il cibo con gli occhi), it's just a pleasure even just looking at a nice dish, springy colours make everything nicer.
  • CREATIVITY: a good chef is not just someone who can follow a recipe , but the best chef is who can create a new good dish, who can take a recipe and make something even better.
  • (the last but not the least) QUALITY:
    it takes at the beginning of this post, if I use 100€ to buy a lot of food, i eat just because i need it. If I use 100€ to buy just few quality food, that is pleasure. The importance is not the QUANTITY, but the QUALITY, we want to feel the pleasure when we eat, that feeling that satisfies our BRAIN, not just the STOMACH.
    Hope you all agree with me,
    Let me know down here this post what you think...

Complimenti davvero!!!!!! :-)

grazie mille @ughyga ;)

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Ciao fede, mi fa piacere che ti sei unito a noi in questa piattaforma. Ho visto che sei del sud, come me. Complimenti sia per le foto che per il post in generale!

ciao @giocondo83, grazie mille! di quale parte del sud sei? io sono di Isola di Capo Rizzuto. anche se ho vissuto per molto tempo a Firenze, ora sono rientrato in terra Calabra. ho visto che ti seguo già anche. mi fa piacere, almeno possiamo scambiare qualche opinione sui nostri post. è un piacere conoscerti!

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Yummy nice food.

thanks, it's an amazing restaurant in the south of italy! fish there is just the best!

Complimenti per il post!

Grazie mille @phage93. Anche i tuoi post sono veramente interessanti. Li seguo sempre.