🚩 Whitetail Deer, 💉 The New Buffalo? 🌽 Weaponized Food Supply

Let me begin with this quote:
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. Genes inserted into GM soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us, and that the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.
Source: Responsible Technology
And one more to keep in mind from the same Source
GMOs cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. It is impossible to fully clean up our contaminated gene pool. Self-propagating GMO pollution will outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The potential impact is huge, threatening the health of future generations. GMO contamination has also caused economic losses for organic and non-GMO farmers who often struggle to keep their crops pure.
Thus, even if you are Vegan, this issue should be of interest to you. If you grow your own food, this topic should be of interest to you.
In a comment on someone else's blog, a commenter had said that she knew that pesticides were bad.
She was under the impression that GMOs were not harmful to health. She thought the health concerns were stemming from the use of pesticides themselves not the genetic alterations to the actual crops. I am not faulting her for thinking so! I suspect this is a common assumption as many people are far too busy trying to get through the day to sort through the barrage of nonsense we are inundated with in an attempt to keep us distracted from the larger goings on.
Hopefully I can provide some resources and information here for others who haven't had time to keep up with what our governments and many corporations are doing to the world right now. It is all one big picture, which becomes obvious if you can take the time to step back and assume a neutral observer position in assessing the information we all have available. That means remove your filters, and put aside you programming and bias and let the information speak for itself.
I have used this image (taken by me at The Wounded Knee Memorial Building in near Pine Ridge, SD) in a previous blog because it's imperative to comprehend that these are not new methods we are seeing being employed against masses of people right now. It's not any stretch of the imagination to see that these are all tried and true tactics which have been used before to cull populations and take over land. So this will not be a debate about what people choose to eat. This post will demonstrate a broad spectrum attack on the food supply that will effect everyone no matter what you eat, eventually... unless these agendas are stopped by the masses in some way.
Make no mistake, this is VERY VERY bad.
From what I am seeing, as exemplified here Development of Injectable and Oral Contraceptive Technologies is being touted as a 'deer friendly', 'humane' solution to a purported overpopulation of the Whitetail Deer Population. Sound's nice, doesn't it? A kind way to kill potentially an entire species off within a short period of time?
"B, B, But that's not what they are trying to do! They just have to cull back the population to 'manageable' levels to prevent disease and starvation! Not to mention all of those car accidents they cause!"
... I can hear it now. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you in Death Valley...
I don't hunt. I don't personally like hunting. Not so much because of the idea of it, even though I can't stand seeing animals or plants die. The reason I don't tend to like it is because in the area where I live there are a lot of people with imbalanced energies that pop out of the cities like cockroaches after the lights go out during the hunting season. (I am originally from the same city many of them come from, and I like many urban things... this is just not one of those things!) These are usually the loud, obnoxious, often drunk, hunters that spotlight horses and cows at night looking to poach. Most of them shoot deer just for the antler trophies. While sometimes they are respectful of the process of hunting, I can't tell you how many times they chop the bodies up and take only parts that are not meat and throw the bodies out of the trucks along the roads and let them waste away unless some lucky animal happens across the carcass and utilizes the find for it's own sustenance.
I have been hunting, and have never decided to actually shoot a deer because I just didn't want to. I have also seen, and known of many people who do hunt, and do so respectfully for the purposes of feeding their families with food that is healthier and far more ethical than what is available in the stores. I support their right to do that as we live in a world that requires that for humans to live, something must die. Sungazing and Breatharianism aside...
The government does not have the right to tell people they cannot hunt for food any more than they have the right to tell people they cannot collect rainwater, or grow food in their front yards. Yet that is what we are seeing happening. Instead of telling people they cannot hunt for food, they are going to reduce the populations, and leave the remaining ones with DNA damage which will alter the natural genetic selection of the entire species. I suspect many of the deer are already suffering from immune system issues from the GMO crops they are eating. Now there will be contaminants in their bodies just like what is being found in human vaccines.
One must also consider what the effects will be upon the health of the men and women who consume the meat of these vaccinated deer. Will this also reduce the ability to reproduce in humans who eat the deer meat from the vaccinated deer? All jokes about people we don't care for, personally, aside-- this is a serious question!
Make no mistake this is a direct attack on the food supply, and will reduce the survivability of people living in areas where this scheme, in the guise of humane population control is being perpetrated if there is any kind of natural disaster, grid down situation, or some sort of war. These are largely areas where there are very cold winters and the growing season is relatively short. If you cannot get plants, and there is no way to ship in unethical factory farmed food from other regions... deer would be a major means of sustenance for the families in the places where whitetail deer thrive, not to mention other wildlife that relies upon a healthy Whitetail Deer Population!
With regard to the GMO corn crops the deer are feeding on, I have been concerned about that. I noticed last year that you cannot find feed corn for deer, at any of the local stores I've been in, which is NON GMO. Many people are feeding this GMO corn to the deer in an attempt to be kind because they love to see them in their yards and some even look very hungry as they are skinny despite the plentiful foods available in some areas. There are also unethical hunters that do so in order to 'bait' in the deer for a shot...Karma might be something to consider here! There are also many fields of corn growing all over the entire Northeast, USA where you can always see deer grazing. This must be effecting the gut health, and the DNA of the populations in much the same way as it has been shown to do to other animals in studies which have been conducted! (GMO Soy and a handful of other crops are of equal concern in regions where they are grown! Try eating vegan food without GMO soy! If you can find it most people won't be able to afford it, and what is it doing to your health? Just something one might want to bare in mind.) I suspect they thought it would work faster to cause problems.
Read on, as I delve into this for more information!
Enter the latest 'solution' promoted by the Humane Society:
PZP immunocontraception vaccine
I used to really believe that these groups cared about the welfare of animals, many years ago. I'm quite sure they have been co-opted as propaganda arms of the UN agenda 21 groups at this point. If you've never seen how they don't mind killing when it's convenient, I recommend taking in a litter of dropped off kittens and see what the attitude is toward finding alternatives to euthanizing them and tossing them in the incinerator with all of the rest of the 'humanely' killed animals from the day.
I am not an Infowars follower because I feel that it's controlled opposition, but there are usually nuggets of truth in those types of productions. I found this video featuring Millie Weaver (humorous, but in all seriousness...) interesting because she claims to have spoken with local hunters in the State of Ohio who say that they have stopped hunting the deer because of the concerns over the effects of the many fields full of GMO corn growing in the regions where the deer are feeding. That's a problem.
So 'they' cause a problem (or make you believe there is one when there isn't), and have the solution ready to roll out... Again with the starting a fire to sell a bucket of water... SMH.
Here's a solution! Remove the GMOs and try to remediate the damage as much as you can. Get the hunters hunting again and this will reduce the populations to a reasonable amount. (If you believe they are overpopulated in the first place, which I, myself question the validity of this claim!)
I was out in the forest harvesting acorns for organic chicken snacks this past season in an area where there are usually a lot of deer. I ran into some hunters along the road who were really upset that they had not seen any doe. Apparently they had only seen a few smaller deer which they would not shoot. While I secretly snickered and thought to myself "Oh good! Maybe they are all hiding!" Lol! I was surprised to hear that was the case. Of the deer I have seen, which seem like a reasonable amount, some of them seem pretty malnourished, with ribs showing. There are PLENTY of food sources available here!
In this picture alone, you can see wild grape vines and an apple tree.
According to this article by the Quality Deer Management Association (written in response to widespread complaints from hunters that there was a decline in the deer populations. there are few states in the US that had and overpopulation of deer when the article was written in 2015 and the previous couple of years. The data in this article actually suggests that the populations are mostly in a healthy range. Although, as noted in the following quote there has been a reduction in survivability of fawns.
Eight states in the Midwest measure fawn recruitment rates today. In my opinion, every state should be monitoring this important statistic. Back in 2005 only five of the eight states measured fawn survival, and it has dropped in all five from 2005 to 2014. You can blame it on predators, nutrition, climate change, or whatever you’d like, but the reality is far fewer fawns are surviving today than they did a decade ago. Approximately every other fawn born is a buck fawn, so fewer fawns means fewer bucks are recruited into the herd.
There is also this study found on the North American Whitetail Website which suggests there are many health problems in the deer populations which the Biologist Judy Hoy has been following since around 1994 when the widespread use of GMO Roundup Ready Crops and another Pesticide known as Bravo began. Hypothyroidism, birth defects effecting many parts of the deer physiology, failure to thrive, reduced reproduction and even outright death have been witnessed. According to Judy other animals which eat primarily weeds, and seeds are also being born with the same types of birth defects as the Whitetail deer.
And Here is a quote from an article in the Huffington Post:
In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto’s GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats.
According to the study, which was summarized by Rady Ananda at Food Freedom, “Three varieties of Monsanto’s GM corn - Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 - were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national food safety authorities.”
Here is why it's so difficult to get those hard, documented, peer reviewed facts to prove what your instincts should inherently be telling you, from
another study showing the health effects of GMOs!
Unfortunately, independent research in the U.S. into the health effects of GE foods before they are released into our food supply has been virtually impossible. The “Big 6” pesticide and biotech companies that manufacture and tightly control patents on GE products have suppressed and restricted research into the efficacy and health impacts of their products. Licensing agreements expressly forbid research unless it has been approved by the patent-holders, and they retain and exercise the right to prevent publication when results are not as desired.
So you see, it does seem that these mega corporations with expertise in chemical warfare that are quickly taking over most commercial food sources would know full well, with all of their money for funding their own private research, that these concoctions they are pushing are causing all sorts of problems including reduction in birth rates. Back to one of my earlier assertions that 'they' just found it wasn't working fast enough which is why 'they' are now coming out with new vaccines to reduce the populations by some estimates up to 75% in just a few years time.
Suggested reading regarding the effects of human policies and choices on the population of another species which just lost it's last surviving male written by @zoeyartanddesign
This depopulation agenda, which in studies has apparently reduced populations as much as 60% in a five year period, could result in another species being rendered extinct by the Human Species. This new vaccine agenda is obviously not because they are concerned about the deer populations OR anything else in the environment or they would be looking into the damage that GMOs are causing! This Damage resulting in the total ban on them in some other countries including RUSSIA.
“Moscow has no reason to encourage the production of genetically modified products or import them into the country”, said the country’s Prime Minister Medvedev. “If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then. We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic foods.”
If we stop the use of the GMO crops which have been created by the same corporations that made Agent Orange and are now being taken over by Bayer (Don't forget to take your friendly daily aspirin pill for your heart troubles!) we may be able to mitigate some of the damage. This is one reason why it is important to share this information with others, and really look into making sure your food sources are as clean and ethical as they can possibly be if you haven't already. Contamination of NON GMO crops is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve, but there is a chance that each garden grown using heirloom NON GMO seeds and heritage varietals will make a bigger difference than we realize! This type of thing is why I am working on creating a Permaculture Food Forest! Throw enough at the wall and something's gotta stick!
In conclusion; as usual we are left with many questions, few clear answers. Are the Whitetail Deer actually overpopulated in the first place? Or are they about to be in an even more drastic decline due to ingesting genetically engineered crops that are harming their health?
A sudden 60-75% reduction in the deer populations due to crops being sold as 'safe' even for human consumption which is also ruining the soils would require a cover story, which would be accepted in the minds of the masses as a necessity, when people realize they are not seeing many deer anymore! Reduction efforts with the mule deer populations have resulted in the numbers being dangerously low where species survivability is concerned. Whatever the situation is, I think we better keep paying attention to the things these agencies are doing... because either way the things we depend on to survive appear to be ever more under attack, and this is no joke. Just ask the Native American Communities if they would trust the EPA.
I'll leave you with an interview with the the Late, Great, Russell Means:
If you have found this post interesting, you are invited to follow me @erinn! I will be posting about Permaculture more as the season warms up! I also have a lot of different nature inspired creative works to share! Upvotes and Resteems are so hugely helpful I will be very thankful for each and every one!

"there are usually nuggets of truth" everywhere... that is how you fool a barely sentient hominid to accept something as the indomitable Word of God.
Thanks for partaking.
Allow me to quickly attempt an example.
I just wrote a book, it's got the usual stuff, binding, leathery cover with some title and my author name on, and two pages inside.
On the first page, I write "Sun rises, and sun sets, a cycle as certain as the tides.", which is an apparent truth, yes?
On the second page, therefore, it won't matter as much what I write, because there was such an apparent truth on page 1, the reader is more likely to accept whatever's written on page 2.
As such are the doctrines programmed into the inoculated ignoramuses.
Bible, Qu'ran or Talmud/Torah, they're all concocted in a similar manner.
🙏 1ove 💞
I used to spend a fair amount of time trying to explain the problems of GMO foods to people, and nobody want's to hear it. If they understand it, then they'll have to do something about it, and most people just don't want to be bothered.
I have seen a lot of movement in a better direction on this issue in the past two or three years, perhaps mostly because people are being forced to look at the issue of GMO's for health reasons. So many people are becoming ill and having little from doctors but ridiculously high bills and big pharma poisons masking as medicines that are only making people feel worse.
I have been feeling similarly frustrated with the chemtrails and pedophile infestation in govt issues, so I do know what you mean! 100%
If people don't choose to see it, I cannot control that, but I can and must put in the effort or there won't be anything left for the children. I feel we are close to being too late because of the damage no one is taking time to nitoce hapening to the environment. But I believe if we keep speaking the truth there is a chance of gaining that critical mass. I feel we are so close! Fingers crossed I am correct!
Thank you so much @amberyooper for sharing your experience in this issue of common interest!
@erinn you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!
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