Flying Simulator...Do you enjoy Virtual reallity?

in #food8 years ago

Hello Everyone!

I have been i little bit busy but NOW im here :D

So i went to this really nice and complete shopping mall to eat something with some friends, we actually wanted to go to the "extravangant" Amusement park of Madrid, but you know....plans change.

Something you have to know about me...I am crazy about roller coasters (so yeah! i was pretty sad that day)

Anyway...we eat some noodles (love japanese food) and the restaurant itself look pretty cool and clean, which is important for me haha, they have little cute Sacura trees EVERYWHERE


I tried "tampopo ramen" it was really good not that hot and the meat was the best part

i didnt take a picture of it because i prefer eating than taking pictures of my food but dont worry i took a picture of it by searching their menu online haha 20170821_125804.png
Looks good right?

last year i bought the amazing samsung VR...i love technology.

my friends and i were walking through the mall and we saw a VR SPACE FOR YOU TO TRY and i was like nah i dont want to

BUT THEN I SAW "flying simulator" love travelling, LOVE airplanes

Here is a gif of me trying to not kill myself doing it

Hope you liked my day as much as i did.
Besos Venezolanos, Españoles