Gourmet Restaurant Liao Cook 廖厨

in #food7 years ago

When we come to a strange city to travel, the easiest way is to use WeChat, with WeChat can buy train tickets, taxi, movie tickets, I like to use it "eat and drink" and "hotel" function , It's from the third-party platform, click on the "wallet" you can find this feature, access your gps location, it will show the nearby restaurants, hotels and so on, if you like, you can use other software , But the WeChat has done very well.
当我们来到一个陌生的城市旅行,想要寻找美食,最简单的方法是用微信,用微信可以购买火车票,打车, 电影,我非常喜欢用它的 “吃喝玩乐” 和 “酒店”的功能,它的服务来自第三方平台,大众点评,点击“钱包”你就能找到这个特色,获得地理位置后,就会显示附近的餐厅,酒店等等信息, 如果你喜欢,你也可以用其它软件,但微信已经做得非常好了.

Wuyuan Liao cook restaurant is very unique, the public comment is the highest score, more people recommend, I must find it, when we arrived at the restaurant, has no parking position

If you have never been come Wuyuan, you may not know the specialties here, "steamed" is the characteristics here, rice steamed fish, rice steamed meat and more.
如果你们从未来过婺源,可能不知道这里的特色菜, 荷苞鲤鱼, 蒸菜是这里的特色,米粉蒸鱼,米粉蒸肉等等, 廖厨之所以能做大,在于这个团队的创新,发掘本地山区乡村特色菜品, 一起来看看.

The chef doing 15 dishes, here to eat the guests should give the Liao kitchen praise,Their work did not rest,it is very hot here.

We ordered a few special dishes, very good, no waste, less than 150 yuan, affordable,If you travel to Wuyuan, do not forget Liao cook
我点了几道特色菜,非常好,没有浪费,结账不到150元,实惠, 如果你来这旅行,别忘了选择廖厨


Hello @elfkitchen
It seems so tasty, Made me hungry instantly
when staring it, the pictures are very captivating
and I can not bear to taste it, the way you made it is interesting. Although eating too much is
not good for health. However, loving food with
all the heart no one forbid. Food lovers must know how cool to enjoy food

And being steamed this food is so healthy, I think is ok to eat a lot of it! :D

sure, lets have a try then, :-)

looks so tasty ! have a great week !


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WOW that food looks great!

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Lovely photos. You deserve a vote. Please check my blog.

followed you !

hello dear i'm noob in steemit upvote and followe me @mohammedfila if you wan't .
thank you <3

The more I read travel and food blogs, the longer my bucketlist is becoming.

wow such a great place to dine, you must be had a wonderful time there. lovely food, nice photos. thanks
have a nice day!

It must be very tasty and expensive.. !

Hmmm yummmy


Food I've never tasted. Which is certainly very nice thank you friends have shared
The work of a very fancy restaurant diner

不是节假日都要排队,或者提前预订,这家餐厅的菜代表了微州特色饮食, 山区的特色,很受欢迎,口碑很好.