Turkey Thighs with Potatoes

Greetings friends, today, Carnival Monday I present you an easy and rich homemade recipe, Turkey Thighs with Potatoes , this is a family recipe which my mother taught me and it is a tradition every year on the date of Carnival I hope you like it and dare to prepare it.
(200) grams of potatoes
(1) small onion
(1) small paprika
(3) sweet aji
(1 tomato
(6) Cloves of garlic
Pinch of salt
(1) Leaves of parsley
(1) Rice Cup (To accompany)
Olive oil
(2) Turkey thighs
Cut into small squares first, the tomato, onion, paprika, aji and garlic cloves, place in a pan, with a little olive oil, sauté for about 10 minutes, stir constantly so that it does not burn, salt is placed to taste.
In a small pot, place the potatoes previously cut in squares, with the two turkey legs, and a fresh water rate, cover and let them cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
After sautéing the dressings, they are poured into the pot containing the well-cooked potatoes and thighs, left to rest for 15 minutes, and served on a flat plate with the rice as an accompaniment. The rice is decorated with parsley leaves.

Hola Dirsia, gracias por el aporte, ya te estoy siguiendo! Si me pudieras seguir sería genial,
Espero que agregues contenido pronto para leerte!
P.D. Te he dejado un merecido upvote! ^_^