Baking with Logi! Easy bake cookies! 🍪

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Hey guys! Meet 4-year old Logan, my nephew. This afternoon Logi was a little disappointed that his older brother Jay (9 yrs) was not at home as he was attending a school friends birthday party. The main reasons for his disappointment seemed to be that he also wanted a party bag full of cake and toys like the one that his brother would likely be receiving this afternoon and also, the fact that without his partner in crime at home he was left with a lot of energy and little to do in order to burn it all off.

So we decided that one way of keeping this energetic 4-year-old occupied would be to dig out the easy bake cookie mix that we had lying around in the cupboards (which was given to my nephews from their nan a few weeks ago). The easy bake cookie mix comes in a glass bottle, and states that all you need to do to make perfect cookies is to add butter, mix and bake. It seemed a little too good to be true, so me and Logi decided to put this to the test!

Logan grabbed the cookie mix and was all ready to go! 🙂


Since this was an easy-bake mix, there weren't many steps involved in the preparation of the cookies. I guess the short preparation was a good thing as Logan is very fond of getting messy, and had we have prepared the cookies from scratch with much more preparation required, Logan would have probably been covered head-to-toe in sugar, butter and flour! 😂

Step 1: pour the mixture into a bowl (or jug, whatever works will do 😅)


Step 2: add some butter and mix (as you can see I've added a mini-me emoji of myself, relaxing whilst Logan takes the wheel and does most of the hard work 😉😅)


He continued mixing, looking very focused indeed! 😅


Okay guys I wasn't really that mean, after Logan had enough of mixing I took over and stirred the mixture until it looked half-decent. I noticed that the mixture did still look quite different to that of cookie mixture that is made from scratch, but since it was an easy-bake mix this was expected. I was definitely not anticipating any gourmet, Gordon Ramsay style cookies this afternoon 😅


Now it was time for Logi to grease the tray ready for the cookies!


Now that the tray was greased and the mixture was- urm... okay-ish 😅 It was time to put the cookies onto the tray to bake. We didn't have a cookie cutter and the mixture was slightly gloopy, so I let Logan do what he does best and get his hands messy whilst he flattened the cookies into shape!



Now that the cookies were all done, it was time to put them into the oven to bake, but not before I managed to persuade Logi to let me catch a quick snap of him holding his creations (he was very distracted by his Lego at this point 😅)




They went in to bake and here was the finished product!



The verdict:

Well the cookies didn't come out looking exactly perfect, but they still tasted pretty good to most of us, except for Logan who took a couple of bites and then spat them out and said that they were too 'sour' 😅. I think that by sour he probably meant burnt-tasting as they were slightly burnt underneath, but then again this is a kid who told us earlier that he didn't like his orange juice because it tasted like sellotape! 😅 And no, we have no clue how on Earth he knows what sellotape tastes like haha!

In conclusion, despite how the cookies turned out, Logan was kept occupied for a good 30-40 minutes and we had a lot of fun so overall it was a win-win situation!

Thanks for reading guys and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


awww lol logan looks like he taught you how to bake lol

Those cookies look like the cookies my grandmother used to make!

Looks like a fun day I love baking with the kids and they always enjoy it so much.

wow nice biscutes lovely choice