My Sweet & Salty Treat

in #food7 years ago

I will admit, every so often I cave into some good ole snacking. I just can’t do healthy all the time. I have a weakness for all things with a sweet and salty mix. Since the holidays have come and gone, all the “store bought” stocking candy, cookies and all those goodies are almost all gone. Thank goodness! However, last night, I just had one of those weak moments. You know, the kind were you go searching through the pantry, candy dishes, so called “secret stashes” and nothing helps that craving. So, what is a girl to do? Make her own sweet and salty treat!!!
I dug through our pantry and found these ingredients: Bugles, chocolate morsels, peanut butter.coconut oil and Reeces Pieces. (Thanks to my wonderful hubby, the Reeces Pieces were in my stocking). I even got a huge jar of peanut butter in there too. Peanut butter happens to be one of my favorite foods, if you could even call peanut butter that!!
I then decided to melt the chocolate morsels, peanut butter and a tad of coconut oil in the microwave. The coconut oil helps the chocolate melt better and therefore it doesn’t harden or scorch as easy. Just in case you are wondering, I melted the chocolate about a minute and a half. This should be what is looks like when melted.
I then dipped the opened end of the bugles in the chocolate. (You know, when you were a kid, the end that you stuck your fingers in and pretended you had super long claws ) Funny, how we were taught as kids not to play with our food, but I never got in trouble while eating Bugles.
Anyways, after dipping the Bugle in the chocolate, “stuff” a Reece Pieces in to the end and place on waxed paper or silicon mat and let the chocolate harden. The hardening will take about a ½ hour up to an hour. Once the chocolate is settled, scoop them up and place in a bowl to enjoy now or place in an airtight container if you plan on saving them.
I hope you enjoy these and I have listed the measurements I used below:

1/4 cup of chocolate morsels
1/8 teaspoon of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of peanut butter
1 cup of unbroken Bugles (I ate the ones that wouldn’t work ) lol!
1/4 cup of Reeces Pieces

Again, just melt the first ingredients in the microwave for 1 ½ minutes. Dip bugles and stuff with a Reeces. Place on silicon mat or waxed paper and let cool. Enjoy!


Great way to take what you have in stock in your pantry and turn it into a fun treat. This recipe would appeal to both the younger and old/er crowd (as our @francisk would say).
@knarly327 and I never had children of our own but I know my young nieces and nephews would enjoy actually making these. I will tuck your recipe away for a rainy day sometime when they are in our care.
You did a great job describing and showing the steps you took.
I promise you, this will get easier with each post your write. The best pieces of advice I can offer are to be consistent with your posts and not give up. You have a lot to bring to the table @carolina-girl. I can see your potential. ;)

I really appreciate your support and kind words Rebecca, I know this is not your typical kind of food. I started to delete this post but to be honest, I'm not sure I know how haha! Danny said that after a certain amount of time, you would not be able to modify or delete your post but I can't remember the time frame.
It's easy to get discouraged on here I can see. Danny says that I have it easy haha! He talks about spending hours on a post just for no one to read it. I don't know how much of that I could take to be honest.
I don't mind doing work on here as long as at least someone benefits from it, ya know? I love sharing food recipe's, photo's and life experiences with other people. The money thing is just a bonus.
I envy you for doing all that you do. Danny told me told study your food blogs and try to use them as a template. He holds you to a very high standard, trust me when I say this. I know he means well and he wants me to be successful on here but I can only do so much. And if he isn't careful, he might start wearing some of my recipe's :)
Just kidding honey bear, I know you will probably read this eventually. At least he better, he has yet to visit my blog yet! He thought they were good enough to eat so he better be making his way over here and be giving me a great big vote! HAHA
I will give him the benefit of the doubt though because I haven't talked to him since this morning and I know he wasn't feeling good when I left so he's probably napping.
Danny has also advised to be consistent. That is going to be the toughest thing for me due to the long hours that I work but I will give it my best shot!
Again, I really appreciate your words of encouragement, they were delivered at the perfect time!

Don't you sweat it. I had many posts that people never saw in the beginning. I am by no means an authority on the platform for food posts. I have tried to follow my own (by design) template for my food/recipes with the thinking that if I structured them similarly, I would be able to use them in a cook book some day. Really, that's the only reason why my posts follow a structure.
You're doing great!

Might fine snacking. I have the same problem. Sweets. Ugh on that.
I am trying hard to keep on track to healthy food and snacks.
I like chocolate. I buy bars wherever I can find them.
I get the Russell Stover chocolate when the price is to my liking. Ha
I am not one to prepare. Too much on the internet to attend to for me.
Yikes on that. Hour after hour. (crypto) searching and learning.
Today, I was working with my juicer. It doesn't matter. But I have the "Omega" brand. I have learned to save most of the pulp.
I add it to items I heat on the stove. Such as beans or potatoes.
Rebecca has intensified my desire to do much better in my eating.
At my age I need every advantage I can get. lol
Thank you


There's my buddy Francis! I was getting worried about you! Rebecca is a sweetheart isn't she?
She is always trying to help others, I like that!
I love the Russell Stover chocolate too! Francis, there's probably not much chocolate that I don't like ahaha!
I believe that you have a good juicer there and I'm glad that you're taking advantage of all the benefits that it can provide.
Don't be a stranger and I can't wait to see some posts with you and Katie!

Oh, these are sinful....

Thank you for taking a look and commenting! Apparently they were good because they were all gone when I got up this morning haha!

I think the healthier foods may be more popular on here, this was just a quick last minute recipe I threw together. Thank you again!