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RE: Como Preparar Galletas con Marihuana.

in #food8 years ago

Yo so they attacked me on mass. So I want to talk with you about flagging them back and helping me get others to flag these clowns that attack with flags. We can cost them rep and steem. You account is never going to recover I want to make this account the worst rep account on steemit. Lets work together and recruit more people that the flaggers have attacked.


I can appreciate what you are trying to do here, I really can & do.
Please, feel free to move this conversation over to the reply section of one of yours or my posts (it does not belong here, now I am opening myself up to being flagged and blacklisted for having this conversation in a post which has nothing to do with this conversation - the ingredients for spam).
Yet I would like to encourage you to think about it for awhile, read the steem "White Papers" and think about it....
Now, if you have taken this advice perhaps you may have learned/interpreted from the writing the same as I have. Such abuse is not only allowed within the steem system yet also encouraged (abuse of downvotes/flags, self-upvoting, and anything else that can be done by accounts/users of collusion or ill-intent has value to the steem system and should not be censored by/from steem - that anything done here, even if considered abusive or malicious, requires work and should be rewarded).
And it seems, to me anyway, that steem has completely decided laws of local, state, federal, and international standings have no bearing on their little experiment here.... Hate speech and racism, spam and plagiarism, all now to be trusted to and decided by a community of unknowns worlds apart.
Before reading the "White Papers" I, too, went on a mad-crazy mission to call out accounts/users whom I believed were being fraudulent, abusive, and malicious. And, of course, this brought about the flood of flags against me and spammy 'haterz gonna hate'/'you don't belong here' comments (which naturally were high-value self-upvoted by the commenter and a few of their NWO 2.0 wannabe crypto-ganster followers).
So I decided to read the "White Papers". To my surprise, these folks are only doing what they are being told is okay to do.
Try thinking of it this way: steemit is a State. And within this State the "Law" says it's okay to throw rotten eggs at people you disagree with while throwing silver coins at those you favor. If you disagree with this "Law", are you going to have better results attacking those following said "Law" or by attacking the "Law" and it's system (the steemit State) itself?
Obviously attacking the individuals and users will only bury you or worse. Even if (in our minds) these people are wrong, they have the support of the State and the "Law" on their side. They will not lose as individuals, individually we would lose. Yet attacking the "Law" within the system by attacking the State itself.... you are far more likely to gain support from others while avoiding retaliation attacks of individuals doing it this way. And this way is the only way that will have any affect on what we seek to change (for better or for worse).
Account suicide does no good for you, me, or anybody else. Yet posting about the flaws of the system (and those taking advantage of it) has far more potential to educate others, to form a supportive Network for you and the cause, and perhaps even bring about the change needed to put a stop to the rampant abuse I have seen since joining not so long ago.
I, for one, would like to move on and post original content of my own creating (images, animations, videos, art, etc.) - hoping to profit from my efforts as a content creator rather than a blogger about steem and it's shortcomings.... but to get there, we need to eliminate the Financial Oligarchy by levelling the playing field (@sornprar/steemit-an-oligarchy-using-the-application-of-a-trickle-up-economy-curating-from-the-poor-to-give-to-the-wealthy).