Faster than Take-out Food: 15-minute Asian-Style Noodles with Broccoli, Green Peas, and Sunflower Seed Sprouts

Who says busy people can’t eat fresh home-cooked meals? For those nights when you’ve spent all your energy on working, cleaning, running some errands or taking care of the kid's dinner needs to be super easy and quick. Well, yesterday we had one of those evenings. Although we don't have children, evenings can be pretty hectic at our home.... but that is no excuse to shove a pizza in the oven or order take-out food!
For those crazy evenings, I have some fantastic 15-minute meals up my sleeve that I can cook and have on the table faster than you can get takeout food.
For the noodles
3 oz Thai-style rice noodles or yellow rice noodles (we used yellow rice noodles)
1.5 cup small broccoli florets
1 cup frozen green peas
1/4 cup spring onion, finely chopped
2 cups sprouts of your choice (seed, bean or grain sprouts) we used sunflower sprouts
2 tbsp toasted black sesame seeds
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley or fresh mint works too
For the dressing
1 tbsp or 1-inch fresh grated ginger
1 lime or lemon juice only (use less if using lemon, ½ lime = 1 tbsp)
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp soy sauce or Tamari
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp homemade chili paste, or to taste (you could use chili flakes or chopped chili pepper too)
- Cook the rice noodles according to the instructions on the package.
- Bring water to a boil and cut the broccoli into small florets. Add them to the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, add the peas and sprouts to the boiling water. Bring back to a gentle boil, drain, and cool under cold running water to stop the cooking process.
- Toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until fragrant.
- In a small bowl, combine all dressing ingredients and whisk until well to combine.
- Combine the cooked noodles, vegetables, and spring onions. Stir in sesame dressing, chopped parsley, and toasted sesame seeds.
- Delicious cold or hot. Your choice.
Delicately adore noodles
Look yummy
Thanks @shady!
I like noodles. Good thing it's easily available in Singapore.
Think I love noodles too. Had this for lunch and pad thai for dinner the other day. hehe!
That looks great! I love noodles with all green vegetables. There is something about green that seems so good together. I'll have to hunt down some black sesame seeds. I bet those are good!
Agree! There sure is something magical about greens! You can use white sesame seeds too, but I prefer the black... I think they have a better taste. Especially when roasted!
Looks Yummy. It would be a treat for my hungry tummy.