Why Doctors and Scientists Are Failing To Diagnose Folate Deficiency and Heal US: Anaemia, Hypoxia, Cancer, the Methyl-Folate Trap and More

in #folate4 months ago

Another curious thing about the haemato-oncology Professor was that he said that the large amount of methylcobalamin I'd been taking in daily injections was probably why my immune system had still been able to kill the cancerous cells in my bone marrow. The bone marrow assay had shown apoptotic cells which are cancerous cells which have been killed by the immune system via p53 signalling.

The reason I'd gone to see the Professor in the first place was to get evidence that I had a folate deficiency. I had been advised by another doctor to take 5mg folic acid daily with the methylcobalamin injections but, unfortunately, my GP had refused to prescribe it to me, despite evidence of a folate deficiency in the form of low red cell folate and a full/complete blood count in which there was a normal MCV but over the top-of-the-range MCH and MCHC. It's supposedly common knowledge that MCV and MCH should track each under normal circumstances, i.e. either be high, low or normal at the same time and I reasoned that this meant that I had an iron deficiency reducing a macrocytosis into the normal range. The Professor had accepted my reasoning to the extent that he wrote the purpose of further testing was to query a possible macrocytosis.

The fact that an iron deficiency would reduce the size of macrocytic red blood cells had simply seemed obvious to me but, having told the previous Professor, former colleague of this Professor, plus various GPs hadn't resulted in any real response from any of them. They simply ignored me and remained silent on the issue. I had a normal MCV but over the top-of-the-range MCH and MCHC. So, if I had B12 deficiency of unknown aetiology, for which I'd been treated for several decades, if I still had a macrocytosis then, logically, surely the only possible cause could be folate deficiency as I'd been injected with large amounts of hydroxocobalamin and now methylcobalamin over the years.

There's a totally incorrect and illogical view among doctors that macrocytosis is caused by either folate or B12 deficiency but it's blatantly obvious from basic knowledge of the biochemistry of methylation that a folate deficiency will cause a B12 deficiency and vice versa. The previous Professor I'd been to see had written a lot of peer-reviewed scientific papers on this matter including one on how tetrahydrofolate (THF) can correct the DNA synthesis defect in vitamin B12 deficiency which was apparently evidence in favour of the methyl-folate trap hypothesis as the cause of megaloblastic anaemia in vitamin B12 deficiency. However, it's clear from the biochemistry that the need for THF to correct the DNA synthesis defect indicates a folate deficiency, otherwise there wouldn't be a DNA synthesis defect in the first place and so the cause of megaloblastic anaemia is both folate and B12 deficiencies even if doctors and scientists think otherwise. Indeed, it's clear that it's the folate deficiency, if it's severe enough, which will, over time, result in chronic vitamin B12 deficiency as the body attempts to use methylcobalamin to recycle methylfolate to produce THF and a methyl group. When a toxin causes this scenario, it's possible to deplete liver stores of vitamin B12 quite rapidly leaving the patient reliant on what is available from the diet. In fact, both deficiencies are present and this is what prompted me to propose that it's the chronic inflammation caused by the severe mercury poisoning from dental amalgam, vaccines, etc., which had caused my severe vitamin B12 deficiency. The doctors had simply failed to diagnose the folate and iron deficiencies and the inflammation which had caused them leaving me on an inadequate treatment which left me on a long, slow decline which would probably have killed me had I not taken matters into my own hands. It seems obvious to me from the biochemistry and the failure of the Professors and others to arrive at the same conclusion is totally illogical at the very least.

So, with regard to the Professor's theory that it was my injecting methylcobalamin which meant that my immune system was able to continue to kill cancerous cells via p53 signalling. This was due to the fact that it enabled me to remethylate homocysteine and then recycle enough methylfolate to produce sufficient THF to create energy and synthesise DNA to support my immune system enabling it to still use p53 signalling to kill cancerous cells. Clearly, however, a time had been approaching when this would fail to be the case given that I had been deteriorating so much. It was only the fact that I'd been advised to take methylfolate, after experiencing serious electric shocks due to peripheral nerve damage, that I'd experienced such an improvement in my symptoms that it became clear that I had had a folate deficiency because I'd been unable to acquire 5mg folic acid. So, I was methylfolate deficient due to impaired methylation resulting from the epigenetic changes caused by impaired metabolism and had had low levels of methylfolate meaning a limited ability to recycle it into THF and a methyl group. This is the ultimate expression of the methyl-folate trap: it requires a sufficiently impaired metabolism to cause epigenetic changes resulting in the ability to methylate folate being almost entirely choked off. Increasing my levels of methylfolate via supplementation therefore enabled me to use more of the methylcobalamin I was injecting to recycle more methylfolate to produce more THF and methyl groups. The additional THF allowed me to synthesise more DNA to repair damage and also produce energy in my mitochondria resulting in the dramatic improvement in my symptoms.

With the incredibly deep biochemistry knowledge the Professor clearly had given the hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers he'd written, I'm pretty astonished that he couldn't have explained all of this to me at the time and used it as a basis to diagnose me properly with folate deficiency.

It's clear that severe folate deficiency, e.g. due to being in the methyl-folate trap, results in uracil misincorporation into DNA. This is likely what was causing the cancerous cells in my bone marrow, i.e. the weakened DNA breaks resulting in a cancerous cell which needs to be killed by p53 signalling. As in my case, the gradual descent into the methyl-folate trap resulted in impaired metabolism and DNA synthesis which means that the body can't produce enough red blood cells, causing a negative feedback loop of declining metabolism. In my case, I ended up hypoxic but in other people this causes megaloblastic anaemia. I am heterozygous for one of the SNPs associated with haemochromatosis which makes me wonder if that's why I was able to retain more ferritin in my liver and therefore still produce haemoglobin. Perhaps it's people who don't have those genes who go on to be anaemic. Of course, in my case, I was getting B12 injections too which may have helped the health of my liver to some extent. By the point I saw the Professor, my red blood cell count was at the very bottom of the range for an adult male. This is also, clearly, additional evidence of folate and B12 deficiencies as per the biochemistry of methylation: I was simply unable to produce enough THF to synthesise enough DNA to create sufficient healthy red blood cells. Logically, I think the Professor should have been able to tell me this at the time and use it as a basis for a correct diagnosis of folate, B12 and iron deficiencies. So, obviously, more THF results in the potential to create more healthy red blood cells and reverse the impaired metabolism.

Unfortunately, in my case, the degree of inflammation and excess demand for DNA synthesis and repair caused by the mercury poisoning was such that supplementing methylfolate was insufficient to increase my ability to synthesise DNA enough to enable me to create more red blood cells. It was going towards repairing DNA damage. It wasn't until I added the 5mg folic acid three times a day that my red blood cell count finally started to increase, i.e. I required a huge amount of additional THF from the folic acid, not the tiny amount I was able to recycle from methylfolate in my sick state. Now, the other issue was the fact that I'd become so ill that I had ended up with peripheral nerve damage, numbness, pins and needles and finally electric shocks. I'd been advised to take methylfolate plus mega benfotiamine which fixed these issues almost immediately. Vitamin B1 is needed for vasodialation and so it likely helped increase the circulation of healthy red blood cells taking oxygen where it was needed to produce energy to repair my body. Obviously, all of these factors reversed the misincorporation of uracil into DNA, the creation of cancerous cells, etc., preventing the progression of my "possible myelodysplasia" into leukaemia.

I do have some other thoughts on how toxins lead to folate, B12 and iron deficiencies, hypoxia and anaemia leading to cancer but I don't really have the energy to do the research. There was a paper which I read years ago describing how the tissue around lung cancer was severely folate deficient. In the light of what I've discovered, I would certainly want to ensure that I wasn't folate, B12 and iron deficient never mind hypoxic in order to avoid cancer. Whether or not supplementing with sufficient folate, B12, iron, B1 and other nutrients would be able to reverse a more advanced form of cancer, I've obviously no idea but if I were in a situation where I had terminal cancer, I'd certainly consider looking into this as a last ditch attempt to save my life.

I don't know what would've happened to me if I'd gone in the Professor's consulting room as someone much less informed than I was and with no idea I had chronic nutritional deficiencies. Obviously the Professor's advice to take so much folic acid was good but it was rather tempered by his refusal to diagnose the folate deficiency officially. This ultimately meant that after healing myself, I was unable to get suffient folic acid and then, as a direct result, suffered a horrific relapse which I couldn't fully understand for many years. I don't think there can be any doubt that I've thoroughly explained what happened to me. While I'm not an expert in biochemistry, I'm sufficiently experienced in understanding complex systems from my job as a software engineer to understand the fundamentals. Furthermore, it's pretty obvious that there's a limit to the knowledge required to improve your metabolism and hence health quite dramatically with a few basic supplements. The above was just my experience and others will have to get professional advice before attempting anything like it but I think it's a good basis to move forward towards healing other chronic diseases.

The unfortunate thing is that doctors and I daresay some scientists are essentially refusing to accept that they're so irredeemably negligent when it comes to understanding the full/complete blood count, diagnosing and treating folate, B12 and iron deficiencies as well as hypoxia. As far as I'm concerned, all of these doctors are so negligent that they're actually a danger to their patients. They should be struck off and obliged to demonstrate proficiency in haematology plua the above before getting their licences back and anywhere near a patient again. The medical industrial complex want to cover all of this up and carry on slowly killing us with their drugs which don't cure, just ease symptoms, unlike the nutrients I describe above. They're literally making us chronically ill with dental amalgam, vaccines, drugs, etc., refusing to diagnose and treat this iatrogenic harm and denying us the nutrients we need to be completely cured. I would suggest that the general public make their displeasure known, particularly all of those currently suffering from vaccine injury of all kinds including, of course, mRNA vaccine injury.

I have a lot more information to impart but I'm still unwell myself and don't have the energy to spend doing the necessary research in order to try and produce the kind of scientific papers doctors would deem sufficient. Of course, the above is better than nothing and it's clearly information which doctors simply don't understand even though, logically, they should. Since the patients are the ones paying the bills for the medical industrial complex, as the old saying goes, "He who pays the piper, calls the tune." I think the medical industrial complex had better smarten up its act raidly before steps are taken to hold everyone involved responsible for the harms they've been causing.